Getting the three babies settled

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"Here we are Lizzy daddy will see Jackson for a little bit and tell him all about you guys," he says when they have landed and he texted Fawn to tell her that they were there, and they were safe and sound

Fawn said that the caravan just passed Canton so they were not too far behind at all and the boys were doing good so far in the ambulance, and they were holding their own

"Okay, now to head in with you love, and get you settled in" Kevin Sr. says as he headed in to be with Lizzy and Jackson as well since he loved all of the kids the same and would move mountains for those kids

Lizzy was still struggling to breathe with the oxygen, so they were going to put a tube down her throat so she could breathe better

"Lizzy hang in there for daddy please you are all he has left, and he doesn't want to lose you" he says to her since the girls were still in Lucy's care and he was not going to get them back to later cause once he can get loose he has rehearsal for the other part of the fight to get the girls back since he was ready for his half of the fight, and he knew he was going to secure the victory for them to get the girls back in their lives once and for all

Lizzy obeyed for daddy and she hangs on for him as she was finally breathing on her own once more

"Good girl," he says as he was talking to her as they entered the emergency room, so she could be seen and get taken care of as well since they were so tiny and needed that special care too

Kevin got the babies checked in and everything since the boys were on their way up still with mommy leading the way of course in her ambulance as she was pumping here and there for the babies so they could eat

"Maybe they can make your other sister come," he says as he looks at Lizzy as well as they were waiting right now so she could be seen

Kevin knew that might be possible when Fawn got up there with the boys and then all of the babies will be together in one place 


Fawn was taken to another part of the hospital, and see how Katie was doing as well since she was still in mommy and comfy as could be right now so Fawn was able to talk to her

"Hey babe," he says as he came into the room and gives her a kiss

"Hey," she says as she kisses him since he kissed her

"Katie still doing okay?" he asks her

"Yup fine and dandy right now," Fawn says as she looks down at her bump

"They are thinking about taking Katie right now so she doesn't get sick," he says as he feels the bump

"I want to have her naturally cause I won't get that chance ever, and when she goes to full term I will be able to hold her and we will have that bond that won't be broken ever," Fawn says to him

"I know and I will be able to see her grow and feel her little kicks," he says as he was touching the belly since she was active

"Let's get the others settled, and everything else," Fawn says as she tries to get up so she can get the other three babies checked in to see how they were doing and everything and check on Jackson and see how he was cause he was going to be bigger than the other three

"Yes let's see our other babies," he says as a wheelchair was brought in for Fawn so she could see the kids and be with them

Fawn was really glad she was going to see the others and see where they were going to be as they were getting better

"The boys are doing just fine but Lizzy is having troubles breathing right now," he says as they approached the emergency room

"Oh no poor Lizzy" Fawn says as she wanted to go to Lizzy right away so she could be with her

"She is going to be just fine Fawn she is a fighter like us," he says as he kisses her cause he loved her

Fawn was glad the others were doing okay, and they were heading up to the NICU very soon to be with their brothers and Kevin had roses being delivered at that very moment up to Fawn's room, and they were going to be from him and some from the babies as well


"Here is our little Jackson, and he is eager to see us," Kevin says as he parks the wheelchair close to Jackson

"He has gotten so big," she says as she tries to stand up so she can see the baby that was inside the incubator

"I know I can't wait until he is home," Kevin says as he looks down at Jackson as he was looking up at his parents since he was on his back

The nurse got him out for Fawn so she could hold him

"Hi buddy I see you are getting better," Fawn says as she sat down with him

"Hi Jackson it's daddy," Kevin says as he was looking at him

Jackson was cooing up a storm at his parents

"You talking huh Jackson?" she asks him

"I think so he is telling us all about his day," Kevin says as Fawn was rocking a little bit

Kevin got some new pics of Jackson with Fawn and Fawn did the same until the babies were brought up

"Jackson say hi to your brothers and your sister" Kevin sr says as he shows the baby his two brothers and his one sister

The two boys loved their brother and they were getting along great and Lizzy had to be separated from her brothers and Fawn was okay cause she got to be spoiled a bit since Ravenna was not there either but Fawn wanted to get a pic of the babies with Ravenna really soon maybe when she got released in a few days it can happen since she wanted them to have that bond that can't be broken at all as they got older in life especially with Katie who was still growing inside of mommy, and she can't wait to meet her in time

"Can I get a picture of all of the babies together?" Fawn asks as she was going to get a big picture of the babies together

The nurses were okay with that so the babies had a picture to remember when they were older, and none of the babies cried at all as they had their pictures taken

"They are such good babies," the nurse says as the babies went back to where they were

Kevin and Fawn smiled as Kevin was going to take Fawn back to the room so she can get settled and they were going to check on the last baby of the bunch and see how she was doing as well later on once Fawn was fully checked in the hospital since she will be there for a few days until the other half of the face-off where Kevin will dance and bring back Artie to win the girls back for good

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