Part 3

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George was really happy to see the first two as they came and got him for his birthday breakfast and a day out for his birthday as well

"Hey Nordonia and Ravenna" he says as he was looking at the first two that cane along to get him for his birthday

"Happy birthday pappy" Nordonia says really loud cause she was in a great mood that morning and nothing was going to ruin it right now and she was happy about what was going to be happening later on that day

"We are going have to eat breakfast in the car cause they closed many places for breakfast" Fawn says as she was checking her phone right now cause something came out on the new virus that was going around and that meant the family was going to go into lockdown after the quads come home

"That's fine if we can find a small park that has picnic tables, I'm fine with that as well" he says to the girls

"Where you want to eat pappy?" Nordonia asks him

"IHOP sounds good for breakfast and then I don't know" he says as he was looking at her

"After breakfast we got to go to Akron cause the quads" Fawn says to him

"Of course, and I can spend time with the girls while you are with the quads" he says to her

Fawn was pumping and sending milk up so the quads can grow big and strong, and she had the supply ready to get dropped off, but she was going to feed them and then get them ready to come home that day cause it was a big day all around right now

"Build a bear" Nordonia says happily

"Okay build a bear it is" he says as he looks at her

"We will have to see if they are opened first and maybe you and post can wait in line to make something while I'm with your siblings" Fawn says as she was keeping it a secret right now

"I can check that way we can come up with something else" he says as he was checking if the store were going to be opened or it was going to be closed, he was hoping it was going to be opened so he could spend time with his lovely granddaughters on his birthday and see the quads as well

"Ravenna and Jackson are home she wasn't up for coming I think it's hitting her a little bit it's close to a year that her old parents left her at Disney and didn't care about her or her baby brother" Fawn says as they were still driving cause the other two were really happy back there right now which was a good sign as well

"I hope she recovers she is a great girl a little shy but that is okay I don't mind that at all" he says as he was looking at the menu cause he was going to place the order since Fawn was driving to Akron that morning cause the quads were coming home to stay for good and they were going to be baptized at the new church in the near future right now

"Me too she has her days where she wants to be left alone and days where her and Nordonia are chasing each other all over the house making a lot of noise and just being kids" Fawn says cause once all the babies are home ground rules will be set and the girls will have to play outside if they want to run and scream like crazy

"I bet there is a lot of noise at the house here and there" George says as they were still heading to breakfast

"Yeah, three girls under six there is bound to be a lot of noise" Fawn says with a chuckle as she was still driving to Akron that morning

(Much later)

Fawn pulls into IHOP and pays for breakfast that morning and they were going to go to the local park to eat breakfast that morning before going to the hospital to get the quads and bring them home for the last time

"That looks perfect, and we can eat and talk like normal people" George says as they saw a picnic table that they can eat at

"Yeah, I have to cut the girls breakfast up, so they don't choke" Fawn says as she was getting the girls out

After being there for ten minutes they had to leave and eat in the van and Fawn told the officers it was impossible to do that cause Ravenna couldn't eat right so she had to eat with support from her booster seat right now and the officers saw Ravenna and they left the four be in peace that morning

"We are spaced out" Fawn says as she was feeding Ravenna right now cause she was super hungry that morning

"Yeah, we are and Nordonia is happy sitting by me" George says as he ate and watched Nordonia right now

The four finished and got back on the road to the hospital to see the quads


"Girls listen to pappy and Ravenna I want you to listen to sissy and stay close" Fawn tells her cause she was not going to use any leashes on the younger ones

"Fawn I got her, and I can carry her no problem" George says as they were walking after parking the van on the top deck

"Okay you have me convinced" Fawn says as she was going to head into the hospital and get the quads, and bring them home

George kept an eye on the girls and Nordonia was a chatter box that morning and George loved hearing her talk about her day, and what was going on at home, and what she has been doing since he saw her last

"I am going to give you an instrument to play cause you are a chatter box" George says as they were heading to build a bear but first, they were going to go to the music store to get an instrument for Nordonia to play

Nordonia was really happy about that cause she has been wanting an instrument for a while

"I hope they behave" Fawn says as she heads into the hospital to get the quads

She waited until they were gone before going into the hospital to get the quads and bring them home

"Now to go in" she says as she heads into the hospital to get the quads, and bring them home finally

Fawn got her temp taken and she headed in to get the boys first since they were together and then she was going to get the girls

(Much later)

Fawn came with the quads and the girls had their oxygen with them and that was okay with her

"Your pappy doesn't know you four get to come home today so he will be really surprised" she says as she headed to where George and the other two were right now waiting for her

The babies were really happy that morning

The final part is coming

The final part is up and it's a good chapter

The Baler rescue wattys 2023حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن