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"Here is our little Jackson," Kevin says as he parks the wheelchair close to Jackson

"He has gotten so big since I saw him last," she says as she tries to stand up so she can see the baby that was inside

"I know I can't wait until he is home, and with us," Kevin says as he looks down at Jackson as he was looking up at his parents since he was on his back right now

The nurse got him out for Fawn so she could hold him

"Hi buddy I see you are getting better," Fawn says as she sat down with him

"Hi, Jackson, it's daddy," Kevin says as he was looking at him

Jackson was cooing up a storm at his parents

"Are you talking huh Jackson?" she asks him as she held him close to her 

"I think so he is telling us all about his day, and what he did," Kevin says as Fawn was rocking a little bit

Kevin got some new pics of Jackson with Fawn and Fawn did the same until the babies were brought up

"Jackson say hi to your brothers and your sister," Kevin Sr says as he shows the baby his two brothers and his one sister at the moment

The two boy's loved their brother and they were getting along great and Lizzy had to be separated from her brothers and Fawn was okay cause she got to be spoiled a bit since Ravenna was not there either, but Fawn wanted to get a pic of the babies with Ravenna really soon maybe when she got released in a few days it can happen since she wanted them to have that bond that can't be broken at all as they got older in life especially with Katie who was still growing inside of mommy, and she can't wait to meet her in time

"Can I get a picture of all of the babies together?" Fawn asks as she was going to get a big picture of the babies together

The nurses were okay with that, so the babies had a picture to remember when they were older, and none of the babies cried at all as they had their pictures taken

"They are such good babies," the nurse says as the babies went back to where they were

Kevin and Fawn smiled as Kevin was going to take Fawn back to the room so she can get settled, and they were going to check on the last baby of the bunch, and see how she was doing as well later on once Fawn was fully checked in the hospital since she will be there for a few days until the other half of the face-off where Kevin will dance and bring back Artie to win the girls back for good         

(Days later)

"Kevin, I hate to leave all of the babies here since they still need me, and I need them" Fawn says as she was packing her bag to go home and watch the fight, and she hopes to see the girls again cause she misses them a lot and she wants to hug them until the end of time 

"I know the dance-off is tomorrow for sure you ready to see the girl's again babe?" he asks her as he holds Ravenna who was babbling up a storm for her daddy and he loved it 

"I guess I am I can't wait to see the babies again too after this is over," Fawn says as they left the hospital to go home once again 

Kevin kept practicing and practicing to get everything right for the dance off and he got the costumes together as well for the contest since it was going to be a blood bath for sure with them and he wanted to win this fight for Fawn and get the girls back for sure  


"Here we are you ready to win Kev?" Fawn asks since the babies were going to be brought down since they were a part of the show as well as Ravenna cause he had some tricks up his sleeve to win this once and for all and get the girls back in their life  

"Ready and ready to see the girls again especially Nordonia she is such a sweetie," he says as Nordonia came running to her parents, and he picked her up and hold her once again cause he missed her a lot and it felt good to hold her 

"Olympic is not good daddy," Nordonia says since she was able to escape the truck that the girls were in, and the family were in others 

"What is she doing to her?" Fawn asks as she looks at Lucy and was ready to kill her without delay cause she was not happy at all, and she could go into labor too so she was fighting it  

"I think her family should be arrested for this, and that is what I am going to do," Kevin says as he calls the police officers from his phone 

The police officers didn't do anything since Lucy said everything was fine when it wasn't 

"Nordonia daddy is going to win you guys back," he says as they walk into the center with her 

Kevin got ready and got in the wheelchair and it felt real for sure 

"Go get them, Kevin," Fawn says as she sat in the audience and was waiting for the babies to come

The babies were there, and Fawn held little Jack in her arms, so he was safe 

"Hey Jack," she says as she holds him close to him 

Jack moved but didn't wake at all when he was with mommy

"Daddy is going to fight for your sisters," Fawn says as she was talking to the baby she had in her arms 

Kevin came over to see the kids and told them that they were his good luck charm for the fight  

"You guys will be on soon," he says as he was talking to the babies 

The babies moved when they heard daddy's voice 


Nordonia wanted to go on with daddy and she was not allowed 

"Lucy they are my daughters and if they want to be with me, they can be with me," Fawn says as she looks at Lucy 

"Yeah, right they are mine now," Lucy says 

"We will see after this" Fawn says cause the babies were going on next and Kevin was going to have the girls brought up on stage as well to be with him 

The girls danced with Kevin and sat by him for a slow song when the babies were on stage with daddy 

"This is going to win it for sure," Fawn says as she looks at Lucy 

The judges were going to tally the score and tell the winner soon 

"Sweetie we got the girls back I can feel it," Kevin says out of breath 

"I know babe," she says as the judges came on to say the winner

"The winner is Kevin" the judges say to Kevin, and he breaks down cause he is so happy he won for the kids and the girls were one step closer to being back with them for good

"Who won the other fight?" Fawn asks them cause she was wondering that as she held K.J this time and Kevin had Lizzy in his arms since she wanted daddy 

"We decided you won since you were riding your heart out and Lucy didn't care and seeing the babies made the decision easier too," the judge tells her

Fawn was overjoyed she had the girls back after one more and that was the skating race or the swim off to determine the winner and get the girls back in their lives for good     

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