Another Nordonia and me dialogue

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I apologize for these dialogues I have been working a lot and trying to find time to update is crazy. Hopefully, work will settle down and I can update more, and I think that is going to happen in the future for sure with my hours staying low 

N = Nordonia

M = me

N: Mommy why you do not post next part of the story yet

M: I am not feeling the best right now sweetie I got sick at work and wasn't feeling the best all day either once it had passed

N: Mommy sick

M: Yes sweetie mommy is a little sick right now, so until she is a little better daddy is going to take care of you and your sister right now while mommy rests a little bit, so she can get better and be with you in the story baby doll

N: When will the next chapter be up?

M: Hopefully later in the week when mommy's schedule isn't crazy busy and she isn't too tired to write the next chapter of the story cause maybe next chapter daddy and me will get married and we will see what the gender of the quads are, so we can start planning the rooms and everything when they come. When they come you will need to help daddy and me out a lot

N: kisses belly where babies were

M: Thanks Nordonia the babies liked that a lot from their big sister and they can't wait to meet you love cause you are going to be the best big sister ever

(a few days later)

N: Post new chapter mommy?

M: No I am going to do a question and answer section for this story as well as my other stories as well, and that means the readers will ask us questions and we will answer them, baby, 

N: New chapter soon mommy

M: Maybe tomorrow baby cause I have a short day at work and I will update my Friday stories in the morning before I go to work, and I will do an update later on in the evening where we are all back in Ohio for the wedding and some fun as well

(a few days later)

N: You update now mommy

M: Sorry sweetie I have been working a lot and I have not had much time to update stories as I want, and I just worked nine days straight so I am still recovering from that still, and I am doing home improvement projects on top of working a lot

N: Can I write the next chapter mommy?"

M: Sure sweetie just keep it clean is all

N: Can they still do questions for us?

M: Yeah if they have any questions they can leave them below for us to answer and we will do the answer session when mommy isn't too tired from work and doing home improvement projects too

Nordonia was happy that she was going to be writing the next chapter of The Baler rescue

N: I am writing the next chapter and it going to be fun everyone and I am going to be writing mommy and daddy a lot next chapter mommy and daddy will get married and we will be in Ohio

M: Yes next chapter I am letting Nordonia write the wedding chapter of this story, but I am going to be helping her off and on as she writes it and I will be revising it too to help it get more popular too, and it will be kept clean too, and I might write it tonight when I come home from work tonight cause I have a few days off this week too, so the next chapter is going up

(Week later)

N: You write tonight mommy

M: Yes baby girl tonight is the night for the wedding chapter cause I am recovering from a bad anxiety attack, so I am going to get it up for sure tonight like during Young and hungry and all of my stories are updated cause I need to get back on track updating and sticking to the schedule

(Another week later)

N: Why it not up yet mommy

M: Hours are back up and work is crazy right now, so hopefully this week or weekend I can FINALLY update this story

N: Wedding chapter?

M: Yes the wedding chapter will be up for sure just trying to squeeze it in is a lot of work baby girl cause mommy is working crazy and a lot of hours too so hopefully hours go down or I might work on it Friday cause I'm off 

So readers leave your questions below and we can answer them for you later on in the story

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