Final part

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"Oh, it's daddy" George says when he saw Kevin calling

Nordonia answered it and she told Kevin that she was already doing her big sister duties and Kevin could not be prouder of her

"George is it okay if I give you the other two?" Kevin asks him

"Sure, I got Olive Garden for Olympic and Jackson" George tells him

"Perfect what park are you guys at so I can drop the other two off and head up to Akron" Kevin tells him

George texted Kevin the directions to where they were and Nordonia was happy to see her sister


"Thanks George and let me help Jackson with his food since you have your hands full with the quads" Kevin says

"Elizabeth just wanted attention is all" George says as Kevin was able to talk to Nordonia and tell her what he wanted her to do cause he had to tell Olympic the same before leaving 

Kevin got to spend time with the quads before heading up to Akron to be with Fawn and Ravenna cause they were going to see if she has autism or not and if she had autism, they were going to see how bad it was and if it was going to get any worse


"Bye guys I'll see you all at home" Kevin says as he kisses all of the babies and Nordonia, Jackson and Olympic and Sophia bye cause Kevin was going to Akron by himself without any kids and George was in charge and the girls loved when grandpappy was in charge cause they were going to be on their best behavior cause they knew what could happen when they stepped out of line when grandpappy was in charge

"Drive safe and be careful going up there cause it's dangerous and make sure you have your mask with you and Ravenna's shield cause I am sure she won't want to wear a mask at all" George tells him

"I will and if we need you, I'll let you know" Kevin says as he got back in the car to head to Akron cause he was quite worried about Ravenna right now cause he would move mountains for that little girl and he wanted to protect her at all costs and that was his main goal for all of his girls is to protect them from harm and the scariness that was in the world today

George nods as he gets everyone loaded up in the bus van to go home cause him and Kevin were going to swap cars Kevin was going to take the minivan while George had the bus


Kevin parks the van, and he heads in to find where Ravenna was at and if she was crying out for her daddy to come to her and make it all better as well

"Don't worry Ravenna daddy is coming to save you" he says as he power walks into the hospital and to where she might be

Kevin gets the room number where Ravenna is and he goes to her as fast as his legs could take him to see both of his girls cause he knew Fawn would be a wreck without having Kevin there to comfort her and tell her it wasn't her fault that Ravenna was like this, and it was something that just happened unexpectedly right now anyway

"There's my angel" Kevin says under his mask as he approached Ravenna

Ravenna was scared of daddy, and she knew that wasn't him like the person holding her wasn't mommy either, so she was terribly upset or scared right now

"Ravenna it's still us under these masks see" Fawn says as she takes hers off and puts on the shield right now do she was protected, and she could not handle the mask at all due to her sinuses being too bad and her getting sick as well here and there

"Yeah, we have to protect you cause you could get sick and get really sick and if you get really sick mommy and daddy will be really sad that you will have to be in the hospital fighting for your life and not be home with us" Kevin says as he was going to get her shield on as well so she could breathe a little better than what she did cause she had to have a mask on and she hated it right now but Fawn and Kevin knew it was for her own good cause of the virus

Once Fawn had her shield on Ravenna was happy to see mommy clearly and she had her fun shield on as well and she was happy about that right now cause she hated to have her mask on and that was causing her to have a major panic attack and that was not good at all

"See daddy is still under the mask" Kevin says as he takes his off and shows Ravenna it is just him under the masks and not no one else

Ravenna smiled cause she loved her daddy a lot and she was incredibly happy to see him again, and she had to understand the mask were for protection

"There is that better huh?" Fawn asks her after a while

Ravenna babbles and snuggles close to mommy right now

"I love you too baby doll" Fawn says as she hugs and kisses her right now

Kevin rubs her back and sings her to and he does her favorite songs that daddy started to sing to her recently and it was classic from her parent's childhood, and one is her dad's favorite artist and her mom's favorite song, and she is calm as can be right now and she ends up going to sleep after a while to the song Kevin sings to her

"Well, she is definitely your daughter after all" Fawn says as she looks at Kevin cause she fell asleep right after will you be there by Michael Jackson

"I'm okay with my daughters loving MJ after all cause I sang childhood to Nordonia her first night in California and she falls asleep every time she hears it, and if she has nightmares, she asks for it and if my daughter asks for it, I give it to her" he says after a while

"She, does she?" Fawn asks her

"Yes, she does and sometimes I would hold her as I sing it to her the unfortunate thing thinks her old mom might come back and take her away from us or Lucy will kidnap her again like she did on our wedding day" he says as the nurse comes in to take Ravenna to get some tests done

"I hope none of those nightmares come true for our little warrior or warriors cause they deserve a proper family like us as their parents and many siblings" Fawn says as they head down the long hallway to where Ravenna was going for her testing

"Me either" he says as he hugs Fawn close and kisses her cause he loved the family that they were forming together with the kids, and he couldn't wait to add more down the road

The Baler rescue wattys 2023Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang