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Sorry if it's a month and four days late everyone been busy with work and everything else I hope you guys like it there will be a new character added into the story towards the end, and Kevin and me adopt her, so I hope you guys like it and as always I will keep adding to this chapter until it has enough views where the new chapter which will be the one where the girls get kidnapped from old enemy from school and I have to fight to get them back. If you ain't okay with reading this chapter go ahead and skip it and go to the next chapter

"Hey Fawn," Kevin says one morning when the girls were sleeping still, and Fawn was the only one up that morning

"Hey," she says as she looks at him as he came into the family room

"What are you doing up this early?" he asks her

"I can't believe it has been 15 years since it happened," she says as she looks at him

Kevin looks at the date on his phone

"Oh no today is 9/11," he says as he looks at her

"Yeah I don't know how we are going to explain this to the girls," Fawn says as she looks at him

"We will take it slow with them," he says as he hugs her close as they remembered what had happened that day when they were in middle school cause they were at different middle schools

"Sounds like the girls are up," Fawn says when she heard Ravenna cry her head off from her bedroom

Kevin followed behind to help with Ravenna

"Hi baby," Fawn says in her happy voice as she came into the room to see the baby that was up that morning

Ravenna was cooing up a storm for mommy

"Since today is 9/11 I say the girl's American outfits will do," Kevin says as he got the outfits from the closet

"Okay that sounds like a plan to me," Fawn says to him as she went to check on the other two, and then she was going to call the hospital to check on Jackson, and see how that little guy was doing that morning as well

Nordonia wanted to get dressed by herself that morning Kevin and Fawn let her since she wanted to be independent a bit since she was three

"Olympic you want to get dress all by yourself this morning?" Fawn asks her

Olympic nods as she gets the outfit that mommy had for her

"Okay sweetie mommy will let you get dressed, and once you are dressed come and see mommy, okay so I can do your hair pretty" Fawn calls to her as she went to get dressed

Kevin got Ravenna dressed in her little outfit Fawn had picked out for her to wear

"You look pretty Ravenna," Fawn says as she takes the baby from Kevin so he could get dressed a little bit as well

Ravenna started babbling to mommy that morning and Fawn ate it up cause she loved the girls a lot


"Mommy why we wear our flag shirts?" Nordonia asks her

"Cause sweetie today is a special day," Fawn says as she was putting on her shirt as well

"Why mommy?" Nordonia asks her

"Daddy and I will tell you in a little bit like after breakfast," Fawn says to her

Nordonia nods as she went to play with her dolls cause she was getting excited to be a big sister, and she was practicing holding, taking care of a baby, so when the quads come she will be ready to help mommy and daddy out with anything that they needed to take care of her sisters and her brothers


"Okay kids daddy and I will tell you all about what happened, and why you guys are wearing your flag shirts all of a sudden" Fawn says as she was talking to the kids

"This will be a fixed version for you kids, and when you kids get older we will really tell you what happened that day cause it is too horrifying for you kids to understand right now," Kevin says as she was holding Ravenna cause she wanted her daddy to hold her in his arms a little bit

"15 years ago I don't know how many airplanes decided they were going to smash into a building," Fawn says to the girls as she was telling the story

"Why they crash into the building mommy?" Nordonia asks her

"I don't know why sweetie," Fawn says to her

"Then a plane went down in a field close by where mommy used to live," Kevin says to the girls

"Then another plane wreck into a popular building in Washington called the Pentagon," Fawn says as she was continuing the story of 9/11 for the girls

"Did the people live mommy?" Olympic asks Fawn

"No sweetie there were a lot of lives lost that day, and there were some survivors," Fawn says as she was trying to hold it together for the girls as she got up cause she was going to put flags out to mark the day that she will remember forever

"Oh," Olympic says as she went to help mommy

"Daddy, will we go to the park?" Nordonia asks Kevin

"Soon sweetie we will right now we are going to see your brother and see how he is doing," Kevin says to her cause they were going to call Akron and check on Jackson to make sure he was doing okay

Nordonia was excited to see how little brother was doing, and she could not wait to hold him when he was cleared to be held again cause he was still little

"Okay let's go see Jackson," Fawn says as she grabs Ravenna and the girls backpacks so they could keep busy while they were on the road to Akron

The girls were so excited they wanted to stop and get Jackson some outfits to wear and Kevin thought that was a good idea that they wanted to dress their baby brother up


"Mommy going to see if you girls can see Jackson and maybe hold him," Kevin says as Fawn went ahead to see if the girls could see their brother that day

Olympic was excited that she was going to see her brother again and maybe hold him

"I got his outfits daddy," Nordonia says as she was carrying the bag that had a couple of outfits for Jackson one had a flag shirt that he could wear

"Okay Nordonia let's head in and see where mommy is," Kevin says as he headed in with the girls so they could see their brother

The girls wanted to get a few more things for Jackson and Kevin was okay with that and he could see that they were ready when the babies come in a couple of months cause Nordonia was really excited, and Olympic was kind of excited for the new babies that were coming, and Kevin and Fawn was going to work with the girls one on one to set them close as they can be as close as ready as they can get with all of the kids in the picture cause they will have to balance eight kids, and that was going to a lot for them to handle and Kevin and Fawn were sure they could handle it

(Much later)

"I can't believe how big he is," Kevin says as they were leaving the hospital after visiting him

"Me either hopefully he will come home in the near future" Fawn says as they decided to go to the park for a little bit and come back, and see Jackson before going home cause Kevin had three nurseries to start on for the babies, and for Jackson as well cause before they know it he will be coming home to join his sisters

"I can't wait until he is home," Kevin says to her

V & C

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