The fight part 1

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Okay I am going to do this fight into two parts one part going to be me getting ready for this fight, and the other parts are going to be the fight itself I am going to have my former co-worker be in the story as well as the paramedic that will tend to me as I ride for my life to get the girls back, and as I am riding I will go into premature labor and the quads may or may not be born for a while longer, and you will see the glee cast come into the story during the fight as well anyways on with the story and on with the fight, and see what happens

"I know what you mean, but we have a first birthday to get ready for, and everything else too like the babies" he says as he was looking at Ravenna cause her first birthday was coming up fast and they could not believe she was going to be one soon she was growing up too fast for their liking, and they had to get ready when the quads come as well

"Oh yeah she is halfway to one, and she has come so far from where she was when she was just a little baby, and the quads can come at any time as well," Fawn says as she was looking at Ravenna who was happy as could be, and her bump where the quads were

"Yeah I can't believe it either at how far she has come though as well from being such a small helpless baby to an almost independent toddler" Kevin says to Fawn as he looked at Ravenna since she was the one that was always trying to get into trouble, and keeping her parents on their toes as well

"Me either" Fawn says as she looks at him

Fawn and Kevin loved being with Ravenna and loving every minute of it, and they could not wait for Jackson to come home, and join the bunch as well since he was getting better every day, and that meant he was closer to coming home and being with his sisters or sister right now 

(a Few days later)

Fawn had to go back to her old house to get one of her other bikes for the fight since Lucy was not going to give the girls up at all, so she challenged Fawn to a fight to win them back, and if Fawn wins she gets the girls back and if Fawn loses Lucy keeps  the girls and her family as her slaves, and Fawn knew that the fight was on then to get the girls back in her life, and Lucy was going to take Jackson, Ravenna and the quads as well and hold them hostage. Ravenna would not like that at all

"I can't believe she is making you do this in your condition, and doesn't she know that you might go into labor with the quads" Kevin says as he got the bike up for Fawn so she could practice riding around a little bit while he played with Ravenna close by so she could watch mommy ride or ride with mommy if she wanted too cause there was a baby seat for her

"Me either it's either I do it or we will never see the girls again, and I will never see my family again either, so this is going to be on devil of a fight and I am ready for this fight Kevin I am willing to do anything to get the girls back cause those two have been through enough" Fawn tells him as she checked for air and see if there was enough air for a couple of practice rounds

"I am worried that you might go into labor as you are riding the track, and the babies come," he says as he was looking at her

"It's a chance I have to take honey, and I am seeing if my co-worker can be there cause I trust her rather then one of the other ambulances that do every event in town and I hate with my guts," she tells him as she was checking for air still

"Okay where is the fight going to be though?" he asks her as he set Ravenna down so she could crawl around

"At the fairgrounds, the both of us will ride the track for i don't know how many laps, and she has some other events thrown in to make it a fair fight like a dancing competition, and a singing competition as well" she tells him as she checked the breaks to make sure they work

"I have the cast of glee ready for that part we are going to smoke her and get the girls back," he tells her as he hit his fist against his hand

"I know we are and that is why we are this team," Fawn says as they kiss

"I wonder how they are doing," he asks as Fawn left to go and get air in her tires so she could ride around a little bit and get some speed so she could smoke Lucy and leave her in the dust

"Me too I hope they are okay and everything," Fawn says as she was still walking to get air in her tires so she could ride cause her tires were pretty low

Kevin was going to fix up the yard a little bit while Ravenna played on the grass a little bit


"Kevin, can you give me a full body massage please?" Fawn asks him when she returned from her practice ride

"Sure babe, after all, you are carrying the quads, and you were practicing like no tomorrow for that fight," he says as he went into the house with her so he could get her comfortable as well

Kevin saw that Fawn's legs were throbbing so he massaged those first

"You must have ridden your heart out," he tells her as he massaged her legs

"I did and I have to get fast in order to beat her at her own game, and get the girls back cause I am willing to do anything to get them back in our lives Kevin" Fawn says as she was starting to fall asleep from the exhaustion of riding like a maniac, and plus being pregnant with four babies was torture on her body, and she was not sure she was ready to handle this fight to get the girls back

"I can't believe we ain't allowed to see them," he says to Fawn as he continued to massage her aching muscles

"Me either she is such a prick sometimes," Fawn says as she was sleeping and Ravenna was snuggled by mommy as well cause she was getting sleepy as well

"You want to plan the first birthday?" he asks her after awhile

"We might as well," Fawn says as she wakes up a little bit, but sleep was winning the fight

"We can do it later all that riding wore you out completely babe, so you deserve a rest" he says as he was going to cover Fawn and Ravenna up since Ravenna was snuggled with mommy, and was a happy camper at the moment, and was starting to fall asleep as well since she played to her heart's content in the yard

"Yes it did and this pregnancy is not a walk in the park either, and I can't wait to see the babies when they come I have these feeling we are going to have two boys and two girls," Fawn says to him

"I'll let you rest babe," he says as he kisses both girls as they were sleeping like angels and Ravenna looked so cute sucking her thumb as she napped next to mommy

"Thanks, Kevin" Fawn tells him

"No sweat and I will see about the girls and how they are doing, and see if I can get some sort of update on them" he says as he was going to see where they were at, and if they were okay he was worried about their safety and their well being as well since they have been through so much in the past year they don't need this at all Nordonia still has nightmares from the baler incident, and that makes her sleep with mommy and daddy sometimes at night which is okay with Kevin and Fawn since that was traumatic for her

Fawn was sound asleep as Kevin left to check on the girls and see if they were okay as well if any of them were hurt papa bear was going to come in like a heard of thunder on Lucy. Kevin could not see the girls or get an update at all as he wanted, and he heard another little girl that was with his girls and he knew the fight was on to get the girls back in their care for sure and keep it that way

"Fawn is going to cream you cook just wait and find out she is a killer whale and she will knock you to a pulp in the fight cause she is totally ready for this fight so bring it on" he says as he was leaving the house to go back and be with Fawn and Ravenna and think of the quads that were going to be joining the mix very soon and he was worried for them if they come early and if they are going to survive and how will they do during the fight as well

Kevin was starting to plan the other half of the fight as well cause he was going to be helping to get the girls back into his life as well and he was ready for this fight he was willing to go back as Artie if he had too just to win them back, and the cat was full on ready for the fight too Lea was going to be leading the charge since Kevin was too fired up right now to plan anything for the other half of the fight he blood was pumping and his nerves started to come on     

V & C

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