The girls get kidnapped

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"I give you for the first time Mr. & Mrs. Kevin and Fawn Lahm-McHale," the priest says as he announced the married couple

Kevin and Fawn left to greet the guests and got ready for the wedding reception, and little did Fawn know her old rival was going to be there at the wedding, and something was going to happen, and Fawn knows she will have to fight to get the kids back

"Race ya Olympic," Nordonia says as she was heading for where the reception was going to be

"I bet I can beat you," Olympic says as she was running after her sister

"I'm faster than you," Nordonia says as they were still running from mommy and daddy cause they were having a race to see who can win

"Girls slow down" Fawn calls to them since they kissed Jackson goodbye since he had to go back up to Akron again where he was going to be until he was strong enough to come home

"You'll fall girls so be careful" Kevin calls to them as he was watching the girls run

"Gotcha you little twerps," an odd voice says as she grabs the girls, and keeps them until the boxcar could be opened and the girls could be put in the boxcar

"Oh no," Fawn says as she started to run since her friend had the baby

"Missed me?" the odd voice says to Fawn when Fawn caught up to her

"Lucy leave the girls alone and go away they didn't do a thing to you they are my girls," Fawn says as she starts to get mad cause her old enemy got the girls

"Never and I won't let your family go either cause I got every one of your family members in the boxcar, and if you have a baby I will be taking that one too," Lucy says to Fawn as she was looking for a baby

"You ain't touching Ravenna she is with her godmother, and her godmother will protect her," Fawn says to her

"Very well I will be back for her, and do you have any other kids?" Lucy asks as the girls get thrown into the boxcar with the rest of the family

"Yeah he is very small and fragile and is in a squad right now going back to the hospital and I doubt you can catch up to them," Kevin says as he has Ravenna go someplace else so she was safe

"Lucy I swear you give me back my kids or so help me," Fawn says as she was trying her hardest not to fight cause she was pregnant with the quads right now

"You want your kids, so bad come and get them," Lucy says as he family drives away with the girls and Lucy follows later on

"Who was that?" Kevin asks Fawn

"My old enemy from middle school is all she is such a pain in the butt, and I swear I am reporting this right now," Fawn says as she went to find an officer and be with Ravenna

"What are we going to do to get the girls back, and I doubt she will get Jackson," Kevin says as he was walking with her

"I don't know right now Kevin it will be a race of some sort I know that much right now," Fawn says as she finds her friends after she told the officer what had just happened

The officers were going to find where the kids went too and everything as well

"I am going to talk to dad and see what he thinks we should do," Fawn says as she went onto Twitter and looked for George Gray profile cause he was her dad

(Not in real life I wish though)

George was going to come out for the fight, and he was going to bring back up as well

"I talked to the cast, and they are ready for anything as well, and if we have to do Glee we have to do Glee," Kevin tells Fawn

"At least we are ready for this fight," Fawn says as she took Ravenna to play since there was not much that she could do right now since the girls were taken away from her

"Yes we are we are in this to win it," he says as he kissed her as they went to celebrate their wedding

Fawn didn't feel like celebrating right now she wanted her girls back cause she was worried for their safety, and the girl's well being, and if they were missing mommy right now

"Don't worry girls daddy and me are ready to fight to get you, girls, back in our lives and back in our arms where you belong" Fawn says as she was looking out the window at where the girls might be

"Fawn don't worry I will see if we can see them sometime I bet Nordonia is really scared and wants you," Kevin says as he was hugging Fawn close to him cause he could see that Fawn wanted the girls back, and was missing them a lot right now and she wanted them back more than anything

Fawn let it all go on him cause she was not in a good mood right now that her kids were taken away from her and she wanted them back

"Fawn it's okay we will get the girls back no matter what the outcome and I will do everything in my power to get the girls back," he says as he leads her out of the celebration

Kevin knew he was going to get everything in place for this fight cause this was going to be a fight for the books to get the girls back

(That night)

"I think it's someone's bedtime," Kevin says when he sees Ravenna start to get sleepy

"I think so too come on sweetie let's go home," Fawn says as they left to go home with Ravenna

Fawn got Ravenna buckled in her car seat and got ready to go home with her in her car seat and Fawn just looking at her as they headed home

"No one going to touch you or your brother ever," Fawn says as she was looking at Ravenna who was looking up at mommy

"She knows something is wrong," Kevin says to Fawn

"Yes she does and I don't want to tell her what had happened," Fawn says as she was wiping the tears away from her face cause this was a bad enough day in her book

Kevin decided to go up and check to see if Jackson was still there and if he was he was going to put security on their little boy so Lucy won't touch him at all like she did the girls

"We are going to see Jackson," Fawn says as she looks at where they were going

"Yeah and I want to see if she got Jackson at all," he says as he heads for the hospital

Fawn was happy that she was going to see Jackson and maybe get some pictures of Jackson and Ravenna together


Kevin ran into the hospital to see about Jackson, and see if Lucy came to get him as well and he was just in time cause she was there to take Jackson away, and the hospital was going to put high security on that little boy and move him to a better room, so he was well protected from anyone who came close to him, and wanted to attack him and take him away from his family that had loved him an awful lot

"Step away from the baby now," he says as he looks at her because he was ticked that she was going to take Jackson away as well because he needed his support still since he was still little, and he still needed the machines that he had to keep him alive

The security guards escorted her out of the hospital when Fawn came in with Ravenna who was eating her fist 

"Jackson is going to be moved right now, and the fight happening as soon as I can get it together," he says as Jackson was being moved from one side to another side of the hospital 

"I say I am ready for this fight," she says as she was looking at Ravenna 

"Ravenna is getting another tooth in I see," he says as he picks her up    

V & C

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