Genderbend Day

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Ahhh!!!!! I can't take this day anymore!!!!! I'm going nuts!!!! Before we get to the details, in have questions from Shadowtehninja that needs answering.

1: What would happen if you were a pony for a day? I would run Kai over. 2: How's Nya taking the breakup? Terribly. She tries to get Dennis (Destiny) to think I'm a bad person all the time. 3: ARE YOU JELLY?! NO! IM NOT JEALOUS!! 4: Do you hate me? Not quite sure yet... 5: Who do you prefer more, Me, Lloyd, or Cole? What kind of question is that? But if you insist, Cole. Because its fun to annoy him with cake.

I guess Cole wants an answer on one too. 1: Why are you so annoying? Because its fun to watch your reactions.

Okay. And I had a request from SummerSunrays. To eat a lemon with salt. Umm...well...hmm.. I guess it was in my last blog so I have to do it.

*walks into kitchen and grabs salt and lemon* here goes nothing. *eats lemon* AHH!!! It's sooo sour!!!!! I need something sweet!!

*runs to kitchen and devours Coles cake*

Okay. That's better. Now, Genderbend day. So today, my name is Jasmine and Destiny is Dennis.

She...I mean he... Made me wear make up, high heels, and a DRESS!!!! Having a girl name is bad enough!!!

Lloyd! Cole! Somebody!!! Back me up on this!!! I NEED BACK UP!!!

And to make matters worse, I had to do sunrise exercises today! IN HIGH HEELS!! How do girls walk in these?

Sensei and everyone else was laughing at me!! I would rather be a horse than a girl!!! MAKE THIS DAY END!!!

Also... I'm still taking requests and questions.

I'm out! (In fashion)

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