Jealousy and Pythor

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Before reading: this entry has spoilers. Do not read if you have not seen the new episodes of Ninjago. I apologize to those who read this before I put this up. I didn't think of that. Lol

Okay. Destiny here. I'm not the jealous type, but with the way that Jay is reacting to Cole hitting on Nya, it's hard not to be.

He is always mumbling about how Cole should back off and I'm like what the heck! He has a girlfriend so excuse me for being jealous!!!

Anyways! Now that all of that was taken care of, WHO SAW THE NEW EPISODES!!!???

Yes I know. Jay was being totally immature in them. As was Cole. BUT I want to know your thoughts on evil Sensei, kidnapped Lloyd, and revived Pythor!

Leave your comments below and the one that makes me laugh the most will get to meet Dr. Watson and possibly Sherlock Holmes himself!!! (over messages if course)

Anyways...I have to go. Jay doesn't know I'm on his blog.


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