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Okay okay. So... Cole and I didn't achieve our revenge on Lloyd and Shadow... Lloyd cheated using his powers to break free.

Destiny: he didn't cheat! How could he cheat if there are no rules?

Me: eh

Nya came in and ruined my part of the prank with Destiny... It was awkward.

So... Destiny was talking to Shadow and Lloyd all day and apparently she told them I was jealous of their relationship. I'M NOT JEALOUS!!

Destiny: yes you are!

Me: no I'm not!

Anyways... Kai came over for no reason at all and Shadow, Lloyd, and Destiny pranked us. They also swiped Kai's sword...

In case your wondering, they told us that the Serpentine were attacking.

Destiny: yep! And he will NEVER find it!!!!

Me: Whatever. He will.

Anyways, I have to go before Destiny kicks me out for 'hogging' the computer.

I'm out! With Destiny

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