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Ugh! Okay so I got caught by Sensei thanks to Leray and her vines.....so now I have to train all day long!!! UGH!!!!

Destiny: So why are you here and not there?

Because I have to return the techno blades..........so I am returning them. The remaining people being Kai and Cole. OH MAN!!! IM GOING TO DIE!!!!!

Destiny: That's your own fault.

I know.

Destiny: What is it that you have to say?

Sensei: Say what you must then get back to training.

Ugh! Fine! 

I am very sorry for taking the techno blades from my team and their apprentices. 

*Goes back to training*

Destiny: Oh man. This has been the best day of my life!! Wow...I am such a mean girlfriend. All well!! He deserves to suffer consequences.


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