Hungry...tired...and just plain out bored.

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Okay. Sorry for the delay. I have some old requests and questions that came in late so I'm doing them now.


I dare you to go to the store, go in an Ailey and say to the camera 'oopsy I made a tootsy'

Jay:*groans* what did I get myself into?! Destiny: hahaha!!! You should have seen the look on the old couples faces!! Priceless! They literarily threw diapers at his face!!


1. Why does cole like cake so much? Jay: I'm not sure. He just does I guess. It's probably some kind of disorder. 2. Why do you hate being a girl? Jay: because it feels so weird to have long hair and other parts that I'd rather not have... 3. Why do you annoy cole? Because its absolutely hilarious!! Destiny: and because you have nothing else better to do.


Okay. Well. There is literally nothing to eat!! Zane is with his girlfriend and I'm honestly scared to even look at Cole right now. I'm so hungry!!!

I didn't get a lot of sleep last night and I had to get up early because Destiny wanted to do dragon training. AND Sensei took away all of our games so I am sooo bored!!!

Destiny: he just wanted to tell you guys that because he didn't get any requests so he is acting like a baby.

Yea...Anyways. I have a new closing.

Here it comes.

It will blow your mind!

Any second now.


Destiny: *smacks face* and this is what I deal with all the time.

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