Ch. 6 Kiss Me

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"Bye Lou!" I smiled, giving him a small wave before closing his car door.

He quickly rolled down his window and called after me as I walked up the pathway to my house; "Bye Lily! I'll be by to pick you up around 6, yeah?"

"Sure." I smiled again, walking backwards so I could see him.

He gave me a wave before driving off down the street.

I speed walked to my front door and unlocked it quickly, stepping inside. I closed the door behind me, leaned back and smiled. I have a date. I have a date..... SHOOT I HAVE A DATE!!!!!

I bounded upstairs as fast as my legs could carry me, skidded into my room and slammed the door. It was already 2:30, because I forgot how to get to the new house and we got lost. I sunk down onto my bed and put my head in my hands, coming to the sad realization: I had no idea how to get ready for a date.

"what to do, what to do, what to do.... Ah!"

I whipped out my mobile and entered Christie's number. It rang twice before she answered.


"Christie!" I exclaimed in relief. "I have an emergency. I need you to come over right now."

"What? Why? What's the emergency? I'm in the middle of watching a film."

I bit my lip and hesitated before answering. "I have a date."

There was a pause. "I'll be over in 5." Then she hung up.

I got up and paced back and forth in my room, nervous. What if the date goes horribly? What if I get sick? What if Louis leads me on? No, Louis' not the kind of guy who would do that.

The sharp ringing of the doorbell cut through the house like a knife. I bounced down the stairs and ripped the door open, to reveal Christie.

"Hey girl!" I greeted.

"What time is he coming to get you?" she asked, getting right down to business.

"uh, 6?"

"Holy crap, you've only got 3 hours, GO GO GO!!!!!!!!" she literally pushed me up the stairs and into my bedroom. She grabbed me a towel and shoved me into the walk in bathroom. "Shower. Now. If you're more than 15 minutes I'm coming in there after you!" she slammed the door in my face.

I rolled my eyes and stripped off my clothes.

I turned the nozzle in the shower, adjusting it to the right temperature and stepped in, allowing the scalding water to soothe my muscles and relax me.

It will all be fine, the date will go great. I assured myself.

I quickly shampooed and conditioned my hair, not too keen on the idea of Christie coming in here to get me. I shaved my legs and armpits, washed my body and stepped out of the shower.

I wrapped a towel around my small frame and returned back to my bedroom, to see Christie laying an outfit out on my bed. She saw me enter and pointed to the chair in font of my vanity. "Sit."

I sat down and she flicked me a robe, turning around so I could slip it on. When I was finished she came over and quickly blow dried my long hair. When it was done she slowly began to loosely fishtail it.

"So," she began, finally making actual conversation with me, "Who is he?"

"Oh, just some guy I met in school yesterday. His name is Louis."


"Louis Tomlinson." I said quietly, shrinking down in my chair.

"The TEACHER?" she yelled, her eyes nearly falling out. I nodded.

My English Teacher Is Sexy (Louis Tomlinson)Where stories live. Discover now