Ch. 15 Realization

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The doorbell rang at exactly 5:30, causing me to jump and look up from where I was playing ice cream jump on my phone. They were right on time.

A wide grin broke out on my face, and I bounded down the stairs, flinging the door open.

"Who's ready to PARTAY!!!" Rebekah yelled, shimmying in.

I laughed. "Girls, you're here!" I cried as Kim, Becca, Catie and Christie all piled in after Rebekah.

"Who's excited for girls night?!" Becca yelled excitedly. We all cheered.

I decided to host a slumber party with all us girls, for 2 reasons.

One, to take our minds off Harry, especially for Becca. He hasn't made any progress, and its been having an effect on all of us, especially her. She loves him.

Reason two was I figured it was a good way to get Christie introduced to all the girls.

I was right. Soon enough she was laughing and carrying on with them as if she had known them together.

"Wanna get our pj's on?" I asked, uncomfortable in my jeans.

"Sure." Kim smiled.

We all grabbed our pyjamas and just got changed there in my room. We're all girls, it doesn't matter.

I decided on my sock monkey onesie, while Christie put on a pair of fuzzy pj pants with a blue tank, Kim wore a pair of pink silk bottoms with a matching shirt, Catie had her pj shorts and an oversized hoodie which said 'Roar means I love you in dinosaur'. Rebekah wore a blue onesie with half-moons and stars, and Becca had a fuzzy pyjama shirt which was white with small green frogs, and matching bottoms.

I took a look at us and laughed. We're nuts.

"So, whad'ya wanna do?" Becca asked.

"Hmm.... NAILS!!" Catie decided loudly. I laughed, and got out my polish and other nail supplies.

"Let's see. I'll do Becca's, Kim does Catie's and Rebekah does Christies, and then we switch." I suggested.

"Ok." Christie grinned.

"So, what do you want me to do?" I asked Becca, setting all my colours out in a row.

"Hmm... Ooh, can you do smiley faces?" She asked excitedly.

I grinned. "Ok." I started with 2 or 3 coats of yellow and let in dry before using a little fine-tipped tool to make little smiles with black.

"It's so pretty!" She gushed, giving me an awkward hug, as her arms were board straight and her hands were all flared out, fingers apart, due to fear of ruining her nails.

"Thank you." I laughed.

After it dried thoroughly, I applied a clear coat and she got started on mine- rainbows.

Now, I have to say, Becca is not really the best nail-doer. So I ended up with colourful blobs on my fingers. I didn't mind though. It was pretty. It had its own kind of unique beauty.

"You wanna do our hair next?" Rebekah suggested.

We all sat down in a row, each person doing the hair of the person in front of them. I was braiding Catie's gorgeous blonde locks, while Kim was doing my brown hair.

Once we were finished with our hair, we decided we might as well do our makeup too.

I did Christie with beautiful, soft, green eyeshadow, light blush, eyeliner, mascara and gentle pink lipstick. Becca had done her hair in a messy yet beautiful, curly style on top of her hair, with red wavy stands falling and framing her face. She looked absolutely stunning.

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