Ch. 18 Truly, Madly, Deeply

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It had been a week or so since I found out I was pregnant. I decided with Louis that I had better tell my mum soon; she didn't even know I had a boyfriend, let alone that I had sex with him and got pregnant. And imagine what she'll say when she finds out he's my teacher and 6 years older than me!

It was a wonder she hadn't become suspicious; I'd been having awful morning sickness, and horrid mood swings and cravings.

Anyway, it was a quiet Saturday morning, and I decided to text Louis. It was about 12, so I figured he was awake.

Hey Lou :)

Morning beautiful xx Came his response, and I smiled.

You want to go to Starbucks? I asked, craving some nice hot chocolate. I'm not much of a coffee person.

Sure, love :) meet you there in 15?

Okay. Love you babe :) xx

I love you too, gorgeous xo

I grinned and threw my mobile down on my bed. I knew I had no reason to impress him, so I slipped on some jeans, and oversized woollen jumper and some TOMS. I threw my hair up into a messy bun, grabbed my purse and headed out the door.

I decided since it was so nice out, I would just walk. Starbucks wasn't all that far away from my house.

After about a 10 minute walk, I arrived at the little café, just as Louis pulled up in his Range Rover.

He got out of the car and jogged up to meet me at the entrance.

"Ello." He gave me a lopsided grin.

"Hello." I smiled.

"Here you are." He held open the door for me and allowed me to step inside.

"Why thank you." I said in a posh voice.

"T'was no trouble at all m'lady." He mimicked my accent. I laughed.

I stopped for a moment and inhaled deeply the smell of everything; the hot chocolate, the tea, the muffins, the cookies, the coffee... I wanted some of everything.

Louis took my petite hand in his and led me to a small little spot right in the back of the room. There were two cool, creme colored leathery armchairs facing each other, a circular, brown, wooden table in the middle.

"What would you like?" Louis asked.

"Hmm... I think I'll have a hot chocolate and a chocolate chip muffin, yeah?" I decided finally, reaching for my wallet to get him the money.

"C'mon Lily." he stopped me by covering my hand with his. I looked up into his mischievous eyes. "do you really think I'm going to let you pay?" He winked with a grim and before I could say a word he was up at the counter, ordering.

I smiled.


"So, Louis," I began, sipping my hot chocolate. "I was thinking, we should tell her. Soon." I said, referring to telling my mum about us and the baby.

He glanced up at me over the rim of his drink. "Um, ok. But when?"

"Today." I decided with an air of finality.


I nodded. "Think about it. Today's the 21st. On Wednesday I'll be a month along. I think the sooner we tell her the better. I informed him.

"Yeah, I suppose we should." he admitted, sitting back and running a hand through his messy hair. "Would you like me to be there?"

I sat back as well and thought about it. "No." I came to a decision. "My mum is super overprotective anyway, and no offense but I think my mum may react better if you aren't there." I forced a small laugh.

My English Teacher Is Sexy (Louis Tomlinson)Where stories live. Discover now