Ch. 13 Fights and Forgiveness

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Harry opened his mouth to say more, but he started to cough, and cough and cough and cough. He began gagging.

And that's when the beeping of the heart monitor went flat.

"Harry!" Becca screamed, trying to run forward, but was stopped by me holding her back. She struggled and struggled against my restraints until she collapsed into my arms in tears.

I glanced over, tear rolling down my face to see Louis kneeling on the floor, sobbing. They boys were crying as well, and were huddled into each other and Lou.

Suddenly the door slammed open, and a dozen doctors poured in with a defibrillator. We were all unceremoniously shoved out the door and into the hall as the doctors shocked Harry over and over again, trying desperately to bring him back.

I led a bawling Louis over to a chair and say him down, rubbing his back soothingly.

"Shh. It's ok. It's ok Louis."

I allowed him to put his head on my shoulder, as my tears fell with his. I loved Harry like a brother, and I didn't know what I would do without him. We always used to pull pranks together at sleepovers. I remember this one time, Louis actually went to sleep, so we hid all the carrots in the house, and even put some in the toilet. He was furious when he woke up, and it was hilarious.

After an agonizing 20 minutes, a older male doctor came out of the room looking weary.

We all looked up at him hopefully and expectantly.

"I have some good news and some bad news." He began regretfully. "Which would you like first?"

Liam stood. "Good."

"Well, he's not dead." The doctor stated plainly.

We a let out various relieved and ecstatic noises.

"But," he started again. "He has slipped into a coma. We don't know if or when he will wake up. If he does live, we don't expect he will awake any time soon, and its very possible he will not remember any of you. I'm sorry." He left.

Silent tears were running down our cheeks as we said our tearful goodbyes and headed home.

"Would you like me to drive?" I asked softly, as tears streamed down Louis' face.

He nodded, unable to speak, and got into the passengers seat.

I got in and we drove home in sorrowful silence.

When we got to the house Louis just unlocked the door and trudged upstairs to the bedroom without another word.

I sighed softly and made my way to the kitchen to fix some tea. I got two cups and filled them with the hot liquid, and took them in my hands, treading lightly up the steep steps to the bedroom.

"Louis?" I asked softly through the door. It was open a crack, and when I nudged it open completely with my foot, yellow light spilled in, illuminating Louis' sprawled out figure on the bed. I set the tea on the dresser and carefully got up, laying next to him.

"Are you ok?" I asked softly, running my hands through his tousled hair.

He merely sniffed, and I sighed again, beginning to rub slow circles on his back. "Shh...." I whispered. "Harry will be fine. He's strong. He can make it through this. I know he can."

"Don't you know what it's like?!?!" Louis yelled suddenly, sitting up. "To lose someone who means so much to you? Someone you grew up with, someone you love like your own family?! No you don't, and until you do you can just shut the hell up." he glared.

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