Ch. 1 My English Teacher Is Sexy (Louis Tomlinson)

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The wind was howling. It had been doing this all night, pounding tirelessly against my cheap windowpane, causing it to rattle noisily. Twigs and branches from the cherry tree outside snapped and cracked against the smooth glass.

So basically I was lying in bed at 5:00 in the morning listening to what sounded like a cat being murdered. Nice.

And to top things off, tomorrow was the first day of a new school in a new town- and I hadn't slept a wink thanks to that dang wind. I was supposed to walk into high school, as a year 11 student, looking perky, and kind and welcoming; hopefully make a couple friends. Instead I was going to have pale skin, dark circles under my eyes and be dead on my feet. I'd look like I got run over by a transport truck. Quite the first impression if you ask me.

I groaned, rolling over onto my stomach, squeezing a pillow over my head, trying to drown out the sound. After about 20 minuets of failing miserably, I gave up and just accepted that I wasn't getting any shuteye tonight.

I sat up, reaching blindly for my phone, I unlocked it and texted my best friend back in Holmes Chapel, where I had moved from only a week ago.

Oh, how rude of me! I haven't even introduced myself! Hi! My name is Lillian James, but you can just call my Lily. I was born and raised in Holmes Chapel, England, but recently moved to Doncaster because my mum was offered a job here. I have to say, it's an absolutely lovely town, but I really miss my old home, my old school and my friends. I know I'll make new ones, but they could never replace my old friends.

Anyways, I have long, waist length chocolate brown hair, bright, green eyes, and a petit frame, though I do have some nice curves in just the right places.

I'm 5'8, 17 and my appearance isn't really anything special. I've seen better. But I'm happy with who I am, because that's just my attitude. I know that this is my life, and I can do whatever I want with it. I don't let haters bring me down.

Alright, where was I? Oh, yes, texting my best friend, Eleanor Turner. She is one of my besties from back home, and she's absolutely stunning. She has long blond wavy hair, popping blue eyes and is super skinny.

Hey El :) I texted. You up?

Am now :/ she relied.

Whatcha up to?

Oh, ya know, skydiving at 5:30 on a Monday morning. I could practically hear the sarcasm oozing from her message.

Sorry for waking you :( I apologize.

No prob bebz. But can I go back to bed now? :)

Sure babe. I miss you El.

You too, Lils.

I shut off my phone. It was now 6:00am. Might as well just get up and face the day.

I yawned and stretched, my limbs sore for lying down. I got up and trudged lazily to the shower and hopped in, the water refreshing me and waking me up more.

I jumped out, wrapping a towel around myself, and blow dried my soaking wet hair before straightening my curls so they were long enough to sit on. I pinned my bangs back and added a small white bow. There.

I quickly got out my cosmetics bag and washed my face before applying a layer of foundation, thicker around the eyes to get rid of my dark circles. Then I added a bit of light blush to make me look less pale. I applied natural eye shadow and a bit of mascara and eyeliner. Perfect.

Now, for my outfit. I returned to my room and searched through the closet. It was now 6:45 and there was enough sun peeking through the window to see, so I didn't need a light.

I finally decided on a nice grey sweater, a pair of black skinnies, and some grey converse. Satisfied with my look, I headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Hey mum!" I greeted, smiling warmly.

"Morning love" she pecked my cheek. "Sit down for breakfast. I made your favorite!"

I sniffed the air. BACON.

"BACONNNN!!!!!!!" I gave a war cry and hugged my mum tightly. She laughed.

"Ooh!" I exclaimed, running up the stairs, two at a time. I returned, pulling my "I

Of course, me being the mature young lady that I am, I ran right over and began stuffing my face.

"Good?" Mum laughed. I nodded vigorously.

Just as I finished, my dad entered in a suit with his briefcase in hand.

"Morning love." He addressed my mum, as she handed him his coffee.


"Hi dad." I smiled through my bacon.

"Hey squirt!" He exclaimed, messing up my hair.

"Early meeting today?" I enquired, smoothing out my now messed up locks.

"Yep." He replied, taking a swig of his coffee.

"Well, good luck!" I wished him as he set his cup down and heading for the door.

"Thanks. Bye girls!"

My mum cleared her throat.

"Yes?" Dad poked his head back in through the door.

Mum tossed him the keys, rolling her eyes but smiling.

"Thank you!" He exclaimed before blowing her a kiss and closing the door.

I slipped off my bacon hoodie and threw it onto the couch.

"We'll, I'd better go wake the others." Mum said, checking her watch, referring to my siblings. I have 4 of them, Cassidy, who's 13, Nora and Emma, the 7 year old twins, and my big brother Ryan, who's 22. He's away at university in London.

"I've got to get to school." I said picking up my my bag. "Wouldn't want to be late on the first day!"I kissed my mum on the cheek.

"See you later mum. I love you!" I called, heading out the door, the keys to my little car in hand.

"Love you too babe!" She replied, and I shut the door.

I got into my little silver Prius and smiled.

Yeah, I have a pretty good life.


Hey guys! Sorry for the inexcusable shortness, but its only the first chapter so I was just introducing the main character. I personally really like the protagonist in this story!! If you read this story I would really love you to comment/vote/fan! I might even fan you back :)

Joke of the chapter: knock knock

Who's there?


Doctor who?

Me: LOL xD

Song of the chapter: Over Again- One Direction, just cause, we'll, I love this song. When Louis starts his solo and his voice scratches a little bit.....


My English Teacher Is Sexy (Louis Tomlinson)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ