Ch. 17 And So It Begins

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"I'd better be heading home." I said regretfully, walking over to put on my shoes.

"What? No!" Louis exclaimed.

"Why not?" I asked, confused, shrugging on my coat.

"Well, you're my girlfriend, and I love you, and you literally JUST told me you're pregnant; I'd like to spend some time with you! Is that such a crime?" He chuckled, walking up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder. He turned his head, pecking me softly on the cheek.

I grinned, unable to say no to him. "Fine."

"Yay!" He yelled happily. I laughed.

"What do you wanna do?" I asked, taking my coat off and hanging it on the rack.

"Um, film?" He suggested.

"Kay." I grinned. "Race ya to the sofa!" I cried, making a run for it.

"Not a chance!" He called after me, hot on my heels.

I ran as hard and fast as I could and jumped onto the sofa right before Lou.

"You beat me." He growled, crawling slowly on his hands and knees across the sofa to where I had landed and on top of me. He was very careful though not to put any of his weight on my stomach. "No one beats me." He continued ominously. "I believe you owe me a kiss."

"Why?" I laughed at his silly antics.

"You broke the rules. You beat me. You weren't supposed to beat me. The price of breaking the rules is one kiss." He explained with a smirk.

I smiled and rolled my eyes, but leaned up anyways, towards his lips. But at the very last moment I turned my head and kissed his nose instead.

"Hey!" He chuckled. I laughed and ducked out from my spot underneath him, sprinting to go sit on the love seat.

"Tease." He muttered, sitting next to me, putting his arm across my shoulders and pulling me close. He grabbed the remote off the coffee table and flicked on the movie: Wall-E.

I lay down and rested my head in his lap, my hair fanning out everywhere. He stoked my hair gently, and stared at the telly. I laid my hands on my belly, rubbing it slowly.

There was a baby, an actual living creature in there. Inside of me. I smiled as I was suddenly hit by the reality of it all. This is real. I'm going to be a mum, and be a family with the man I love.

And yeah, there were going to be loads of obstacles to overcome; I still hadn't told my mum, I was still in school, but with Louis I felt as if everything was going to be okay.

I glanced up to see him looking down at me affectionately, those sea-blue eyes sparkling with affection, a smile on his handsome face. I beamed back, at him and propped myself up so I was leaning on him, my head on his shoulder.

"I love you." I told him honestly.

"I love you too." He swooped down and gave me a long, lingering kiss. There was no tongue, no lust, no hunger. It was a kiss to show how much he loves me. And it was amazing.

I finally pulled back, breathless, and pressed my forehead against his. He grinned and pecked my lips once more.

I laid my head on his toned chest, and gave a big yawn.

"You tired?" He chucked.

"No." I denied, but was interrupted by another yawn.

He laughed. "Come on. Lets go to bed."

I was too tired to object, and he flicked off the telly and the lights, before picking me up and carrying me bridal style to his room.

He put me down gently on the bed and took off my hoodie for me so I was left in my pyjamas.

I heard him removing his own clothes so he was left in only his boxers, then felt the bed dip as he got in next to me, pulling the covers up to our chins.

"I love you." He said quietly as he kissed my temple lovingly. "I love you too." I heard him whisper, before he placed his cool lips on my belly sweetly, and a sleepy smile crawled onto my face.

He wrapped his arms around me in a warm cocoon, and I fell asleep to the steady beating of his heart.


I woke up in the early hours of the morning. I wasn't sure of the time, half 5 maybe?

I didn't know, and I didn't have time to check, as I felt warm bile rising in my throat.

I quickly flung the covers off of myself and jumped out of bed, darting for the bathroom.

I made it just in time, as I fell to my knees before the toilet and lost the entire contents of my stomach. I gagged.

I suddenly heard the fast padding of footsteps run down the hall and stop right behind me. I felt my hair being pulled out of my face, and glanced back to see Louis holding my long brown locks back, lines of worry creasing his face.

I managed to give a weak smile before spinning around again, vomiting into the porcelain bowl.

I finally collapsed in exhaustion at the foot of the toilet, and Louis kissed my sweaty forehead.

And so the morning sickness starts.

I sighed. This was going to be a long 9 months.

My English Teacher Is Sexy (Louis Tomlinson)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें