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Serena wondered around her room. As much as she thought about him, the more she wanted to feel him next to her. She looked at the sky. It could have been a perfect day. The sun sparkled in the beautiful blue sky. The birds chirped. The wind made her hair float. But he wasn't there... How could the day be flawless when the sun of her life was gone? No matter how hard she tried to be with him, she was pushed back. She was taken from him. It started to seem impossible to be with him, to finally look in his eyes and don't fear that they might be caught. To finally look in his eyes and know that this was forever...She never wanted anything else, just him. It's always been him for her...Until he showed up. Her future husband. His auburn hair and his black eyes showed she would be trapped forever.

Don't be mistaken, he was beautiful in his own way, but for Serena, he was a trap not of feelings but for her freedom.

"Good morning, princess" Serena turned around knowing exactly whose voice was that

"Good morning to you too prince Gary" He took her hand in his, and planted a soft kiss in the back of her hand

"You look gorgeous as usual" Serena look at his face saying that and the only thing that rushed to her mind was how Ash used to say the same thing but in a way that would make her blush, feel nervous and start stammering.

"Thank you" Serena simply replied

"So it has been the most wonderful week of my life, I wish we didn't have to rush things but I feel so happy that in some days I will call you my queen," Gary said. Serena since the beginning knew he was this kind of guy. The one who flirted with all the girls, the one who always got what he wanted and she feared that. She feared someday she will actually fall in his trap. But would she truly forget Ash so easily? As she thought of Ash, she thought of his happiness, of his well-being. 'I want it to be directed towards me. For me. Because of me. I want to bring you joy; be the source of those lit eyes and dimpled cheeks. I watch you bring so much happiness to those around you. Feel the warmth you've given me. I can never forget you, Ash. Please god, make him come back to me... I need him'

Serena's mind wondered even more. Memories filled her heart, mind and soul.

Flashback (Serena's point of view)

"Come on Serena!" Ash screamed

"Hey you're the one who isn't letting me see"

"It's because this is a surprise..."

"Ohh well are far?"

"No... We actually just arrived"

Ash took his hands off my eyes. Standing in front of me was the most beautiful landscape ever. The moon, the stars and the lights floating in the air... I couldn't let a big big smile show up in my face. The view was extremely majestic, in a way I have never seen. Maybe it was because Ash was standing right next to me, holding my hand. And that's when it hit me. I had seen these lights so many times but never in this way. He became the most romantic and extraordinary way I had started seeing the world. He shows me every day how to find beauty in a cruel world. And I couldn't be more glad that he was mine. That he was the one making me happy, holding my hand, telling me those three words and make my heart melt by his simple smile.

"I want it to be directed towards me. For me. Because of me. I want to bring you joy; be the source of those lit eyes and dimpled cheeks. I watch you bring so much happiness to those around you. Feel the warmth you've given me." Ash whispered in my hear. The sentence who I'm sure will stick with me. I would never want to forget this sentence, this moment, the way his eyes met mine in a way that lets me know something amazing is about to happen.

His lips came closer and closer to mine. I closed my eyes, embracing myself to finally feel his delicate lips on mines. His lips brushed lightly on mine. His hands bringing me closer and closer to him. This is the person I want to spend eternity with. The one who I ache when I see him smile to someone else. The one whose heart is sweeter than the moon. The one whose eyes shine brighter than stars. The one whose kisses make my body melt in his strong arms. The one who with simple words can make me fall all over again for him. I love everything about him.

"What are you thinking about?" Ash asked me breaking my thoughts

"About you"

"About me?"


"Can I know what?" He said. His delicate hands caressing my face. I'm sure I'm blushing extremely hard. I nodded.

"I was just thinking about how perfect you are. On the way you make me feel even with simple things. And the fact that I love you and I'm more than sure I want to spend eternity with you"

I saw Ash's smile. That goddam smile that made me fall head over heels for him.

"Serena Yvonne, you always say what's on my mind as well. But I'm sure of something else. That I will without a doubt spend eternity with you. If not here, in heaven."

"Don't you dare make me cry"

"Oh my poor princess, do you want a hug?" Ash said opening his arms to me

"Yes please," I rushed to his arms and hugged him like I was afraid of leaving him forever.

Right under the stars, I knew I wanted him. Right under the stars he made me cry, he made me smile, he made me laugh and blush. Right under the stars, he held me close to him, he kissed me like the world was ending. Right under the stars, I loved him and he loved me.

End of flashback

Now I was looking at a man who will never be my Ash. Who under the stars won't love me the way Ash did. But Ash became a battle to hard for me. Plus he had made it clear on his last letter things will never be the same. He made it clear Lillie was his future. He was blinded by me so he had never seen how much he truly loved her. Now that I was gone, he saw it. they were getting married next week. And here I was crying every day for him. For the man who stole my heart and soul. Who at the end didn't love me the way I always did towards him. It never hurt so much to let someone go. Especially when all you ever wanted in life was that someone...

"I'm excited as well" I replied to Gary who smiled

Oh dear god, all I ever wanted was Ash... Now he is gone, out of my life and I'm standing here, a complete mess who is marrying a man she doesn't love and who I'm sure I never will...

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