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The first rays of the sun appeared in the dull and colourless sky. A young princess was awake for some hours now. She stared at the view in front of her. The wall that didn't allow her to see beyond, to see Ash. She knew what she was about to do today would be impossible and the situation could get worse. Yet she needed to try. As she was staring deeply at the landscape, a sound filled her ears. An unusual bird was coming to her window. She was very well aware that there was no bird. It was her way to communicate with Ash. She smiled widely. Being apart from him caused her much pain. She knew things would get better. However, they needed to try something. It could fail but they could also be succeeded. Serena carefully grabbed the letter and opened it. She smiled seeing Ash's handwriting. If anything helps their relationship was the letters they shared. Serena had kept all the letter Ash had written to her. It was a way to feel closer to him. Whenever she missed him, she would read those letters again and again.

Dear Serena,

I miss you. I miss your lips. I miss your hands interlaced with mines. I miss your laugh and your smile. You're perfect, amazing and my dream girl. You're my world. I love you so freaking much.

Be careful. I know how you want to save us from this misery but I don't want to lose you again. Tell me everything you find out. I will also try to talk with my mother and find more. Let's discover the reason of this problem together and fix it.

I can't wait for the day we break down that wall that separates me from you.

I'll be thinking about you.

Lots of love

Your one and only Ash

After reading Ash's letter Serena got the energy to go and fight for them. She got ready and went to the garden to have breakfast. The day was beautiful. The birds sang quietly yet beautifully. The garden was full of flowers. Serena saw May, Misty and Dawn at the table where every day they had their meals. Serena sat down. She looked at her friends and knew she needed to tell them what she was about to do. They looked surprised and worried after Serena told them the plan. It was risky to go straight to the queen and ask more about the southern kingdom and how everything went down.

Serena explained to them how she missed Ash too much and how she wanted to be with him. She knew it could be impossible but the only way to know was trying. They talked and talked about the pros and cons of Serena's idea. At the end trying was an option and so by sunset, Serena headed to her mom's office. Her mother was always busy and usually would like to stay in her office quietly reading. Serena knocked at the door feeling nervous.

"Come in" She heard from the other side. She slowly opened the door. Her mother smiled at her. "Hi sweetie how are you?"

"Hi, Mother. I'm fine. Just wanted to talk to you about something" Serena said playing with her fingers as she felt extremely nervous.

"What is it?" Serena's mother knew that her daughter was up to something.

"I want to know more about what happened in the past... Your past" Serena said

"My past?"

"I thought a lot about it and the only way I can be a good queen someday is learning with the best and that's you. I want to get to know you better Mother. So I don't make mistakes"

"Serena, my dear, I love your enthusiasm but this seems a bit odd. You never asked me to tell you my story"

"I was always curious but never got the courage to ask you. Please, mother."

"Sure, come here." Serena's mum pouted the place in the couch next to her. Serena sat next to her mother, praying this way she could get to know her mother better and learn what happened. "When I was younger, I loved to explore everything. Especially nature. I was always curious about everything in the castle. My mother used to tell me stories about faraway kingdoms. I would get interested and search for more. I always tried to be great at everything I did. One day, I decided to go far away than I knew of the palace. I knew there was a neighbour kingdom that our kingdom was friends with. Still, I found myself lost in the forest, that's when I met my first and best friend. She lived in the southern kingdom. We connected instantly. We met at the highest mountain. Every day we started meeting, talking and laughing. She understood how it felt to feel trapped in your own home. As we grew older, we grew closer. Our parents started making parties to celebrate our friendship. Even villagers used to be so happy on those days." Serena's mother paused and looked at her daughter. Telling these story was extremely painful. However, she loved her daughter and she knew if there was anyone who she could trust was Serena.

"That seems amazing Mother," Serena said surprised by her mother's story. It seemed pretty familiar to how she met Ash except her mother's parents celebrated their friendship.

"Things started getting sadder. After our eighteen birthday, the two of us met our futures. I met your father. And my friend met another prince. As it seemed for everyone that we were living our fairytales, we weren't. Red and Calem always hated each other. They used to compete for against each other"

"Wait, Red? As in King Red?" Serena asked shocked

"Yes. My first and best friend was Ash's mother, Delia" Serena's expression didn't change. She knew there was something hidden and now her mother was telling her. She was shocked by everything she had just heard. "Delia and I always tried to be together but it was always impossible. Neither of our husbands wanted us together as friends. We started drifting apart. And then a rumour spread. It said that the southern kingdom had intentions to conquer our kingdom. This way there would be no longer an alliance, it would exist an only kingdom. The two kingdoms would become one. Your father heard about this. He broke the alliance and started building the wall separating us and the southern kingdom." Grace stopped talking. Tears running down her. Serena hugged her mother. All this time she thought her mother was just selfish but she had lived through the worst.

"I'm sorry mother," Serena said

"I still miss her. I'm sorry if I have been so harsh with you. I don't want you to feel the same pain as me."

"Why didn't you try to stop father?" Serena asked curiously after a minute

"I had no power. He's the king. He wanted to rule the kingdom by his desires and whenever I tried to do something not according to his plans, he would punish me by killing innocent villagers."

"Father did that?" Serena was now more shocked than ever. Her father was evil. He used a mask and pretended to be nice. Her mother had been to hell. Grace only nodded. She knew her daughter should be scared. Far more than she was. She got used to Calem's evil way to deal with everything that got on his way. He wanted to be powerful.

Serena stood there holding her mother's hand as Grace cried. After telling Serena the whole story, she got extremely emotional. It was a painful memory. She opened her heart to Serena. Serena didn't like to see her mother this way although she was happy as now she knew the reason for the whole problem that kept her and Ash apart.

"You should go to bed sweetheart. It's getting late" Serena's mother said giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"Will you be fine?" Serena asked worried about her mother

"Yes, my dear" Serena hugged her mother and left to her room. As soon as she arrived, she grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a letter to Ash explaining everything she had found out and how they were closer to make the problem disappear bit by bit.

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