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Time flies and so Saturday arrived. It was a beautiful sunny day. Everyone in town was getting ready for the masquerade ball. Serena and her friends were dancing around excited for a ball out of their known castle. Serena was beyond happy. All of those exciting feelings filled her heart. It was like a dream come true. They told everyone they were going on a picnic and a stroll in the moonlight. This way they had a chance of going to the ball. One of her helpers named Marin helped them making sure queen Grace wouldn't go to their room when they were out. For that, they were very thankful. After getting ready, they left and head for their carriage.

And as the night fell and the stars shine brighter in the sky, they were on their way to the ball

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And as the night fell and the stars shine brighter in the sky, they were on their way to the ball. Serena felt her heart beating but nothing could compare to the blissful and joyful feeling inside her. She looked around as they passed the big wall. She was a step closer to him. She also felt her nerves arousing. She was meeting him once again tonight.

In the castle, all the preparations were being made. The ballroom looked beautiful as much as the stairs. Ash walked the stairs treating his mother and father before going to his room to get ready.

"This is gonna be incredible," He said smiling rightfully

"Oh Ash dear, enjoy it," Ash's mother said, giving him a warm and strong hug.

After getting back in his black suit and a black mask, guests started arriving. The ballroom was getting filled. Ash felt extremely nervous. He wondered around the place, smiling and nodding at nobles and others. Although he was looking for her. He saw Lillie. She was wearing a light green dress and a black mask. She saw him and gave him a tender smile.

"Ash, are you alright?" Ash turned around to find Clemont. Wearing a similar suit to the one Ash was wearing although Clemont't was white and Ash's was black.

"No, I'm nervous... Where is she?" Ash said walking in circles

"Calm down. She will be here any minute" Ash looked at Clemont and nodded

Then the trumpets played. It meant new guests had arrived. Ash immediately looked at the stairs and that's when he saw her.

Serena was walking beautifully in her white dress with her white mask alongside her best friends. Ash's eyes brighten up as he was one hundred per cent sure that was her. He stopped breathing for a while.

Clemont gave him a nock on the arm and told him to walk up to her. And so Ash did, feeling the nervously hitting him. Serena was looking everywhere to find him until...

"In fact, you quite changed more than I dreamed about..." That voice, she knew that voice. She turned around and smiled. Ash took slightly the mask so she could be sure it was him.

"You don't look so bad yourself," Serena said smiling "This looks fascinating and elegant"

Serena ran to him wrapping her arms around his neck as Ash's arms found their way to Serena's back pushing her even more close to him.

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