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A new day began. There was music in the air. It was the kings birthday. The whole kingdom would be celebrating. Serena heard the music. Finally, a happy day for the villagers. She felt sorry for them as there was no longer balls and dances and parties for them to have fun.

Serena for dressed as fast as she could. May, Dawn and Misty as well. They left the room as music spread to all the walls in the castle. Yet they found it weird. Serena's father was nowhere to be found. Serena saw her mother and decided to ask: "Mother, where is father?"

"He went hunting with some ministers" Grace answered "You'll have to wait till lunch to see him"

And so May, Misty, Dawn and Serena went for a walk as the dazzling sun made the day colourful and lively.


On the other side of the big wall, things weren't going easy for Ash. He was seen by a guard last night. His mother and father weren't pleased to hear about his unexpected outings.

"Ash, I don't understand. Where did you go last night? More than that at that hour?" Ash's mother, Delia, asked her son. She was worried about her son. She knew him well. Yet she never expected him to always do like her and his father told him to.

"I went for a walk, Mother. I couldn't sleep and I thought some fresh air would be nice."Ash answered

"You want us, son, to belive you only went out because you couldn't sleep?" Red, Ash's father, asked

"Yes because that's what happened. And you shouldn't be so mad. The only reason I can't sleep is because of that stupid wall and I have never seen Serena again" Ash saw his father's expression change. Delia remained calm. She knew what her son felt yet she couldn't let him see her again.

"Ash Ketchum, I forbid you to talk about her ever again!" His father yelled "She is an enemy. We always told you so. You haven't seen her because she is dangerous, she is not good for you, son. The Yvvones are a selfish family, with determined interests and if they have to use people to get them, they will"

"That's not true, Father. Serena is not like that-" Ash was interrupted by his father's angry voice

"It's been five years since you have been with her. Do you seriously believe she didn't change? Son, you don't know her anymore"

"Yes, yes I do, Father. I feel it. She's still the same" Ash reassured his father but soon regretted it

"Ash Ketchum I don't want any more words about his girl. She doesn't have space in your life. I will not allow you to be with her. " And so Ash's father left the room, without even looking back. Ash almost collapsed into his knees, as tears were begging to leave his eyes. His mother stood still in front of him. She felt miserable for her son, but she knew deep inside he couldn't see that girl again. She would only bring trouble. Delia knew how her son felt. Losing a friend, a childhood friend it's never easy. She remembers the day of the fight. The day where she and Grace had decided they would never see each other again. She missed her a lot. But Grace was hurt by the rumours and lies spread. Delia never understood how it happened. A storm appeared in the most unneeded and unexpected places.

"Ash, sweetie, look at me" Ash kept his head down low. He felt misery as the option of being with Serena looked even more impossible "Sweetie, I know how you feel"

"No, Mother. You have no idea how I feel. Serena was my everything. And because you and Father made a mistake with her parents doesn't mean that Serena and I have to bear the consequences. " Delia looked at Ash, surprise on how he could have poured his heart out loud. Delia knew exactly what her son was feeling. He was in love. Yet, she found it curious how someone falls in love without seeing the person for so long. Five years would make anyone forget about stuff they used to feel or thought they felt. Even persons could be forgotten in that amount of time. However, her son kept a perfect vision of Serena, a perfect emotion about her as he had always been with her

"Ash, I want you to answer your mother sincerely"Ash looked at up his mothers. Tears now falling through his cheeks "Have you been in contact with the Yvvone's daughter?" Delia wanted to believe her son wouldn't disobey them, to the point of going to meet with the princess.

Ash knew telling the truth would just keep him and Serena even more apart, yet he knew his mother had a clue now. How can someone be in love with someone they didn't see for ages. Although Ash knew exactly the truth he needed to admit.

"No, I haven't Mother. I kept a vision of Serena in my mind. I might not be with her, and I might never be although what I felt back then just got stronger every single day I spent apart from her"

And so his mother not totally convinced left the room, still shocked for the fact her son was in love with Grace's daughter.


After the big party for the king, Serena and her friends went to their rooms.

"Girls, I'm worried about Ash. He hasn't said anything since last night. It's been a day" Serena said

"Calm down Se. I'm sure he is fine. He probably didn't have time or perhaps is writing right now" May reassured Serena

"Yet the two had some fun last night as he came to your bedroom." Dawn said smirking at Serena who started blushing

"We didn't do anything. Just stood there and talked" Serena said

"And hugging and kissing and..." Misty said laughing

"No and!! JUST THAT" Serena yelled

"You're such a bad liar!!" the three said at the same time

They arrived in the bedroom and there it was, the robot bird with a letter. Serena smiled brightly and ran to read the letter.

Dear Serena,

You don't imagine how much I miss you already. I have bad news. I was caught by one of my guards escaping to visit you last night. My Father got really mad at me and my mother seems to know more than what she is willing to say. She now knows how I fell about you. I denied everything about visiting you or talking to you. But I didn't deny what I feel for you. Things are getting complicated around here. I just hope you're safe and happy. We're living a nightmare, my love. Every day I wake up and I'm scared to lose you once again.I'm afraid of waking up one day and everything is dull and colourless because I will never see you again. I'm feeling the sky falling to me, the earth breaking bellow me. I try to be strong but it's only you who I want. I'm sorry to just write to you now. I hope you know how much you mean to me. The bird also takes a rose for you. I love you with all my heart.



Serena's eyes started welling up, as she held the rose close to her heart. Misty, May and Dawn ran to her and hugged. They knew how hard it was to be in love with someone that you were forced to stay away from. It sucks by all means. It looked like the two months that have passed were about to end. Serena feared this was it once again. That even if they tried, they could never be together as they wanted to.

Serena found herself determinate to make peace between the two kingdoms. And so she wrote to Ash.

Dear Ash,

My love, missing you becomes worse every day. It seems to me the world doesn't want us together. Yet, I'm not giving up on you. On this side, no suspicion or anything alike. Better days will come. I reassure you. I'll see you by sunset on our spot. Remember no matter how much people try to separate us, I'll always be yours truly. Without you, there will be no sun in my life, no happiness. You're my happiness, my reason to hold on, to fight. I promise I will find a way for us to be together. I have a plan: I'll talk to my mother and father. This hate between our parents as to end. That wall that separates us yet that allows our love to penetrate, will go down. I love you to the moon and back

Lots of Love


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