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Ash walked back and forth after reading Serena's letter. He was very well aware that their own parents would find out very soon as well. But he needed a plan. He needed to see Serena once again. If this was the end, he couldn't just sit and wait for it to happen. He needed to change the future. But how could he? He was just a boy who loved a girl. A girl who gave him the world, who made him fall in love for the first time. The only girl who made his heart beat faster everything she smiled or wrote to him. She was his whole world and he wanted to shout out loud and tell the whole world that he loved her and he wanted to live the rest of his life with her.

No one really knows what kind of storm is gonna destroy their happiness. No one even wants to think about it. There is an infinite number of possibilities for how the end might arrive, none of them would please us in the end. Seeing our world crush down and carrying us with it right down, till we hit rock-bottom. There's no easy way to let someone leave your life. Ash was very well aware of how much he didn't want to lose Serena once again.

What could be the consequences of acting and a decision made with love and kindness?

What will happen if I just have the courage to do this? To be with who I for so long longed to be with?

Love is heavy and light, bright and dark, hot and cold, sick and healthy, asleep and awake- its everything except what it is!

Ash asked millions of questions at the wind who infiltrated through his window. He looked towards the big wall. Serena. How would she be at this catastrophic moment? How would the sun of his life be?

Ash picture Serena in his head. Words left his mouth as he described her in all her beauty and kindness. "when I close my eyes I think I'm flying in a celestial sky with a glow that blinds my eyes.

I see your eyes tender as mine,  the sweet colour of the sea. Your hair in the wind floating as I am lost once again. Your magical smile gives me wings and so I detach myself. My heart does not weigh. The pain that the heart darkens finally clears.

It's finally plain as the day to see you. To touch you. As my love, I never loved the way I love you. And I shall never desire someone, the way I crave for you. As my craving desire keeps getting stronger, I held back. As with you, I can not run to. I hear my heart. Should I follow? Should I listen?

To you, I shall run and fight as the rays of the sun penetrate the cloudy sky.

Wai for me my love, as I shall never let you go once again"

Ash ran to the door and left. He ran to the big wall without a care in the world. His heart beating. His eyes begging to let tears escape. He holds on to the love he felt for Serena. He would see her. He would climb to her. He would be with her. Most importantly, he would run away with her if it was needed.

Serena looked at the sky. The sun craved the sky begging to leave. The clouds getting darker and darker were daring to cry. She would let her tears flow like the wind as there was no other suffering bigger than hers. His deep auburn eyes, his essence, his everything was her desire. She wanted him.

"My only love sprung from my only hate! Too early seen unknown, and known too late! Prodigious birth of love it is to me, That I must love a loathed enemy." Serena whispered to herself. "Could I be hated and locked for loving? How is it fair for me? I only wished you were, so I could feel in close the beauty that fills my heart. Your love is my only way of living. How shall I survive without the only thing that keeps me going? Maybe I should jump off this tower and end my suffering as for no one I'm worthy." Serena let her body follow her words without controlling her actions. She was now standing up looking down at the far ground. She did not fear death. She could care less for her parent's reaction to that. But his face would show up in her mind and made her think back.

"If I profane with my unworthiest hand. This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this: My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand. To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss." Serena looked to where the enigmatic voice was coming from. Her eyes were wide open. Her lips curved into a smile. Her heart began beating as faster again. "It's Shakespeare. Always loved it." Ash smiled as he saw Serena brighter than the moon itself.

"Our favourite story... The one we use to read when we were younger" Serena stated loud enough for Ash to hear. Ash nodded. "Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much; Which mannerly devotion shows in this; For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss," Serena said quoting the quote that followed Ash's line from Shakespeare

Ash smiled curiously at Serena. "Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?" He replied

"Lips that they must use in prayer" Serena answered

"Then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do; They pray lest faith turn to despair"

"Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake."

"Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take. Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged."

"Then have my lips the sin that they have taken."

"Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again."

"You kiss by the book."

Ash and Serena smiled at each other as they remember perfectly their favourites quotes of Shakespeare. Ash walked towards Serena's tower as the clouds started tearing up. Serena caring less came to her balcony where the raindrops would fall onto her. Ash climbed the tower arriving the balcony. He was already soaking wet but he didn't care.
Serena runs to Ash. She jumped to this arms as he held her closer to him than ever. Serena's tear mix with the raindrops that filled the atmosphere around the two. Ash finally felt relaxed with Serena in his arms. Serena broke the hug and look carefully at Ash's auburn eyes as they too were filled with tears. Ash look at Serena and crushed his lips right into hers. Quickly Serena kissed him back. As the rainfall, the couple stood still as they kissed. Who cares about getting wet when they were kissing their true love?
Indeed there are many consequences for love, for acting fearlessly with our emotions but neither of them could change what we feel.
Ash broke the kiss, he looked at Serena's eyes still carrying her.
"Let's run away together !" He announced

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