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Serena's heart finally relaxed. Her mind had travelled on and off worried while she made her speech. She had already also talked to the villagers in the southern kingdom. Would this be worth it? Would everything finally be simple? Nothing usually is. Life tricks us even in times where the path seems easy. There are always two paths we can choose. The charming looking one where there are birds chirping and rainbows painting the sky or the hardest one which is dark and the only sound heard is the wind. However, somethings what looks nice and perfect on the outside is dark on the inside. So the easy path might end up in a terrible end. Serena took the hard path. Her whole life had been dark with some happy moments of course. But there was always that same wind whispering one name. Making her head travel back to the time, making memories float around her brain. The only name that she heard was Ash's. She fought against the wind hoping that same darkness but it never did. Until she embraced the name she used to heard and finally run to him. Then darkness seemed to fade a little more. Then a lot. But then everything came down to darkness. This time she was fighting that same darkness alone. But she knew Ash wasn't able to do the same. So for once, she would be his knight in shiny armour. She prayed to every single angel in the sky to help her, to give her courage but she knew deep inside she was the only one who could find bravery inside of her. She looked around the place she was now in. The forest she once met Ash. Now she was being followed by thousands and thousands of people, by her mother and friends to fight not only for her but for a better future, for a better life, for happiness. And buried in her heart and soul, she knew she was now not only doing this for her but also for everyone else who decided to follow her without hesitation. This was it. Nothing else mattered at this point. She had become a ruler for these people. She had become someone they could rely on. Serena smiled knowing at least some part of her fear had vanished by knowing she wasn't alone. A sign of unexpected determination found her. She was going to save the world she lived in and become one of those heroes like all the storied she had readen.

They kept walking until something caught their attention. The calm, peaceful forest was now showing signs of bells ringing from not far. Wedding bells. They were close. Grace looked at her daughter, proudly yet knowing she was also scared of failing. Her friend held Serena's hands through the entire walk. They tried to chat about random things to make Serena's mind ease. The villagers kept their heads low. Some of them praying to God that everything would go fine. Some were whispering how Serena looked like a queen already. And others preferred walking silently and kept their thoughts and fears inside them. The guards were all around them ready to protect everyone in any possible case, but if everything went according to plan, violence wouldn't be needed. The castle finally started showing behind the cherry blossom trees. The castle of the southern kingdom had always been perfect by their cherry blossom trees. Serena loved those trees, the place she was in right now was when everything started between her and Ash. The marvellous of the day sure seemed perfect for a wedding. The bells kept ringing in the back. As they arrived at the gates of the castle, they were greeted by four guards who opened to them and joined the group. Serena sighed. 'Everything is going to plan Serena, breath, breath.' She kept saying to herself. But soon she was standing in one of the towers of the castle looking down at a perfect ceremony in the garden. It looked so beautiful. The flowers were everywhere since it was spring. There was a small tent where the priest was. The white chairs where all of the nobles that lived in the palace were in, some guards around the area looked at Serena and nodded. She soon saw the King. King Red looked as fierce as ever. His ranging eyes, his smile knowing his plan had worked. She found it weird that Lillie's parents weren't around but then Alola was pretty far from Kalos. She scanned the area once again trying to find Ash until she heard the musicians starting to plan and there he was. Walking down the aisle with his mother. He kept his head up, probably looking at his father, Serena couldn't tell. He looked incredibly handsome from Serena's point of view. His messy dark hair was all brushed to the back, his suit fitted him perfectly. When he arrived at the tent, she could finally see his face. He smiled at his mother. But soon, as she left, that same smile was gone. His father came towards him and whispered something in his ear which made his expression get even sadder.

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