Part 10

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[ phil's pov ] [ the year is now the present, before it was 2005 ]

The sound of the rain hitting my windows echoed around my flat.
I was sitting in the dark space, wondering what to do.

The rent for this place wasn't cheap, being on a higher story. The slience became over bearring- reminding me of that day back in high school.


That's when I heard something that couldn't have had worse timing.

Dan's group of popular jocks showed up. I made eye contact to the boy in the middle, who I figured was the leader. His grey eyes looked directly through me. If looks could kill, I'd would've been dead a second ago.

The other on his right, was a lot shorter then the other two. His comb over fringe and devilish grin made him looked 20 times bigger then he really was.

On his left, was the only one I personally knew. Pj- My old Peej. My old friend. I looked into his pale green orbs, and I could tell from his eyes, this wasn't going to be good.

The leader took a step forwards towering over me as I was on the ground. He ram his slim fingers through his red hair and began to speak to me. " So niw-wit, where did you get the idea of messing with our dear pal Daniel?" His fingers guided my head, so we met eye to eye.

" I'm not sur what you're-" I was cut off by a foot lodging to my abdomen. My air passage was cut short, once he picked me up by the shirt collar, and was dangling me off the ground.

He smirked at me. Almost as if this were some twisted game. " Ok faggot- let's make this clear. Tell the truth, and you will be fine. If you don't- you won't be as ok." I could already tell I was a goner. If I told the truth, they think I'm a liar. If I didn't they think I'm faking it.

I can't escape this fight.

So I stayed silent. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see who did what. I felt cold knuckle lock against my jaw, mud covered shoes kick my torso. I just sat there waiting for the suffering to end.

As I felt the last slap hit my tear stained cheek, my eyes fluttered open.Only to see one individual. The leader. He stared upon me, satisfied of wjat he achieved.

" You are a lucky little fag. The other two wouldn't hit ya. Stupid Chris and Pj- probably fags just like yourself. I hope you got the message though. If you ever so glance at Danny boy one more time- you're dead kid." and with that, the boy walked off from the war scene. I scanned my body and felt my face, only to see bruises start to form and pain spread through out my arms.

I'm lucky the other two didn't do anything. I would've been dead otherwise. I hope one day I'll see them again.

The reason I say again- is cause that day I left. I left the small Britain town, and went to Manchester. I was old enough to, so I went- and I haven't looked back since.


Now all the faces or names are quite a blurr to me. I was beaten so hard, I lost my memory of faces and named for back then.


Later that day, I realized I recieved an email. I had sent out documents on the internet saying in need for a flat mate, and I finally got a reply.

The boy seemed like the perfect fit. I replied saying it would be great, he included intrests in such and it seemed we have so muhh in common.

So I told him, there is no need to meet. I trusted what he told me enough, and that he could move in as soon as he liked. He replied quite quickly saying he would today since he was in town. I told him I left a key under the mat, so if I wasn't here when he replied, he could let him self in.

I left the flat for about 4 hours, since I decided to go to the outlet malls and splurge on myself a little. As I walked back to the falt and opened the door with the 4 bags I had, I saw a man on my couch watching the Great British Bake-off.

I didn't know what to say at first. I never met him, yet he seemed so simular. His dark brown hair, tan skin and carmelized eyes. I decided to break the silence by introducing myself.

" Well hello there-" I tried speak confidently- which never worked in awkward situations. He turned he head towards me and flashed me an award winning smile.

He jumped to his feet, and walked toward me almost as if he knew me as well. His mouth was a bit open, almost as in disbelief. He shook his head, " I'm sorry- you just remind me of someone I knew a while ago." I was suprised he thought the same thing I was..

" I was actually thinking the same thing! Insane right?" I tried to sound as normal as I could. I believe he was too.
" I'm sorry again- I probably sound insane. I knew a guy named Phil who looked exactly like you. But anyways- hello there. My name is Dan."

And that's when it all clicked.


HEYO. Yea so do u guys like this? Im sick so ill probably update again soon, Hope you guys enjoyed the more happy ending, ok see ya later :)

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