Part 24

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[daniel's pov]

As soon I turned around, horror smeared across ny face, I saw Chris dialing 999. Why hadn't we done this sooner?


The paramedics were able to brake down our door , literally, and stumble into see the flat in one of the worst conditions they've seen

Bottles were everywhere, either somewhat smashed or completely empty. All the kitchen knives were spread across the coutner tops, slithered with dry blood marks. Just knowing Phil's blood was left onto those made me vomit in my mouth.

There he was- dangling from a hook in the ceiling, as pale as he ever has been. They unhung him from the tight noose and they rushed in the ambulence. I got to drive in as well, while Peej and Chris drove their own car. I grasped onto Phil's lifeless hand, as the paramedics were shocking his chest.

Oh- how I hope once again, I'd be able to feel it beat next to mine.


As they rushed Phil in the ergency department, a nurse grabbed me aside saying I needed to stay back while they tried to save him. I started to break down- I had already left Phil enough, don't you see how he needs me ? I'm the reason this all happened- just fucking let me see him.

She escorted me to the waiting room, where I met a bawling Peej, and Overly tired Chris. We didn't speak a word, as we were all to busy in our thoughts.
We all just wanted to know if the lion survived it's attack.


At 2 am, Chris decided to take Peej home, since he hasn't stopped crying since Phil had tried to meet God.

So I sat alone, in the lonely waiting room, with only my thoughts and the sound of the clock ticking away .
" Daniel Howell?" A small nurse tapped my shoulder. I nodded my head, as she escorted me to a room along the hall.

"Your friend has to take anti depressants everyday from now on.. I assume you are staying with him in his flat?" I nodded once more. She didn't realize I just needed to see Phil.

"He is very.... Fragile. You have to be careful around him Mr.Howell.. Phil's probably very tired, as we had got his heart back to work, it's still very weak.. Literally and metaphorically..." She looked me dead in the eyes. " Please let him rest for now Daniel.. he'll awake when he's ready." I nodded my head once more before she opened the door.

I stepped inside the quiet room, to see the lovely raven black hair once more. His eyes lay shut, hiding the eyes I desperately craved. His chapped lips still seemed so kissable, even though they didn't budge an inch.

I walked slowly towards the chair on his left, sitting down. I reached for his somewhat alive hand, and stroked the top of it. He seemed so peaceful- yet so gone.

"Phil, I'll always love you. Remember that. I'm your bear, and you're my lion. Apart, we a strong yet broken, but together are strong indestructible pair. I'll always be here for you Phil. I'll never leave again."

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