32- The Emerged Soldier

Start from the beginning

     A titan was spotted. The search squad was long gone so they wouldn't be any help. Y/n heard Petra yelp at the sight of the man-eating monster. The monster was targeting her (and Levi's) squad. The girl stood up on her horse and leaped off, releasing her hooks into the thing's stomach. She riskily swung between the legs and let go. Doing a 180, the solider shot her wires into the nape, reeled in, and sliced a deep incision into the nape. Midair, she used gas to accelerate and land on the white horse. She glanced at the cadets. All of them were gaping at her.

"Such precision and skill!" Oluo exclaimed.

"Captain! That was amazing!" Petra said.

"I knew you could do it, Captain!" Gunther said.

"Petra! Oluo! Maybe, just maybe, you could do that, too!" Eld teased.

"Of course I can! Watch me!" Oluo retorted.

     Y/n turned her head. "You guys! Pay attention and joke around when we break tonight!" She ordered, gaining nods from the four.

     The squad moved forward. Y/n felt a thumping on the ground. She turned around and she saw a titan tailing them. Y/n was slightly out of breath and the four noticed it. They all stood up and turned to the titan. Y/n's eyes widened. Eld looked over the situation and tapped the bottom of his elbow. The four newbies then set off towards it and began slicing it everywhere until it fell to it's knees. Eld then went for the kill. The four returned to their horses and caught up with Levi and Y/n. Y/n noticed something when the four got back. The raisin and female's pants were a bit...damp looking... couldn't control their bladder in this situation, huh. Y/n thought, tempted to giggle. The said graduates were trying to obscure it by placing the reins and their hands to hide it. She turned her attention to the other captain.

     "Big Bro, did you see that?" Y/n asked. "These four won't die like Farlan and Isabel. You can get close to them." She encourages. Her brother just stayed silent.

     A purple flare was sent, signaling a rally there. The regiment was done for the day and set up camp. Erwin called Y/n to the superiors tent where Hanji and Moblit were as well. Her squad members were waiting outside.

     Y/n walked in to see Hanji with her hands slammed on the table. Erwin was organizing papers. "Erwin!" Hanji yelled, "We need to try and test this!"

     Erwin sighed. "Hanji. The cost to capture the thing would outweigh the product. Too many lives would be lost."

     Hanji gaped at him. "But this is the scout regiment! We all know the risks and it's our job to research and understand titans!"

     "My answer is no." Erwin then took his leave. Hanji and Moblit walked out as well, begging him to stay and talk more. Y/n followed them, seeing as Erwin seemed to be busy.

     "It's no use, squad leader Hanji." Oluo commented. "We put our lives on the line just trying to kill the things. There's no way we can take one alive."

     In a flash, Hanji had her hands around Oluo's neck and was lifting him into the air. "Think about this, Oluo. Let's say Levi or Y/n's coming and they're dead set on killing you. What would you do? Can you fight him or her and survive?" She grimly asked.

     "Of course not. Hey...I can't b-breathe." He answered.

     "Want me to tell you how you can win that fight? You do your homework. The place they work, the food they hate, their taste in partners, the number of times they take a piss... Find out everything you can about them. Once you know them, you can find a weakness that you can exploit." Oluo was starting to try and stand on his toes but Hanji wouldn't let him. "If you don't do that before the fight, you will surely die."

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