Chapter Twenty-Four

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I flew to where I felt Mary was. I appeared behind her as she stepped out of some weird old cabin. She looked confused when she saw me. "Oh, Lucas," she smiled. "I thought you were Jack."

I smiled. "Nope. Just me. Sorry for disappearing like that." Mary just nodded. Looking around, I asked, "Where's Jack?"

"He went to help Sam."

"Oh," I chuckled a bit. "I kind of already did."

"Oh? Well then, thank you," she told me. She seemed kind of out of it. "Um, Nick, his body is inside. Could you take care of him?" I nodded and started inside, but Mary stopped me and added, "Oh, and could you clean up the ritual he was doing? I don't want some kids to find it and get all mixed up with that."

"Sure thing," I nodded and went inside. I made my way through the house and stopped in my tracks when I saw the body. What had used to be Nick was now burnt and broken. The fingers on his right hand were snapped and bent at unnatural angles, and his clothes and skin were blistered and burned. His corpse was still smoking. "Oh no. Jack, what did you do?"

I glanced out the boarded-up window and saw Jack outside talking to Mary. Oh, good, now I can get Jack to clean up his mess. I took a step back from the window, but something about the way Mary was looking at him didn't seem right. She looked apprehensive, uneasy. Scared. Frowning, I stayed put. She was still talking to Jack, it looked like she was trying to reason with him. He walked toward her and she shuffled her feet. They exchanged more words. She smiled sadly and shook her head as she said something to him. He marched past her in a huff and she turned around. He turned to face her. More talking. What in the world is Jack so upset about? If Mary is telling him something, he should listen to her. She put a hand on his shoulder and he shrugged it off.

Suddenly he whirled back around and speed-walked away, clutching his head with Mary on his tail. I hurried to another window so I could watch. Mary stood in front of Jack. He was breathing heavily and shaking his head. She was trying to comfort him, I guessed. Asking him what was wrong. He kept muttering something. I was contemplating whether or not I should go out there and help them when Jack shot up and yelled at Mary, loudly enough that I could hear from inside of the house, "LEAVE ME ALONE!"

And Mary turned to ash.

My eyes widened and all my muscles froze up. Jack Kline. My cousin, who I had finally started to trust, had just killed Mary Winchester. Sam and Dean's mom. A woman who was like another mother to me, even though we only met once. Abruptly, my shock turned to enmity. Not even thinking about what I was doing, I appeared behind Jack.

He turned. "Lucas? How... how long have you been here?"

He saw my face and I was pretty sure he knew the answer. I answered anyway, "I've been here since you left to help Sam. Which I did, by the way."

"Lucas, I - "

"What? You what, Jack? Were you planning on 'helping' Sam the same way you 'helped' your snake pal, Felix? And Mary? Huh?" I was taking steps toward him now, and he was slowly backing up. "Is that just your solution to everything now? Killing anyone and anything that causes you trouble? Oh, although I suppose you see it as 'putting them out of their misery.'" I paused, raising an eyebrow. "Well?" I snapped, "Aren't you going to say anything?"

Jack hung his head. "I don't know what happened. I was just upset, and Mary kept saying things and... it was all too much."

"So you killed her? Jack, you've gone too far this time," I sighed. "The snake was pretty unsettling, I'm not gonna lie, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt with that one. But then you almost killed that girl, Stacey, and you weren't even upset about it? And now this?"

He finally met my eyes. "Are you gonna tell Sam and Dean?"


His eyes widened. "No, Lucas, please don't!"

Like that was going to happen. "Jack, you killed their mom!" I turned around and began to single in on Sam and Dean's location. They were moving, probably driving Donatello back to his place. I opened my eyes and was about to fly to them, when I was hit in the back of the head. Hard. Everything was ringing and my whole body from the shoulders up felt cold and distorted. I felt myself swaying, and my vision faded to black before I even hit the ground.

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