Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: Hey guys, I'm gonna post this chapter early because I'm gonna be out of town and not have internet this Friday. So here you go!

The man - I still didn't know who he was - chuckled, "Oh. Well..." he stood up and turned to the guys behind him, one of which was Sam. "Gentlemen?" Sunny took that chance to escape and the man followed her out, yelling, "Sunny! Sunny!"

Sam and the other men started walking forward and Cas sighed, "I'm not gonna hurt you, Sam."

"Golly, I told you my name is Justin!" Sam snapped, pointing to himself.

"Oh bullshit!" I hollered. I looked at Cas as Sam and the other men started going on some tangent about me needing to wash my mouth out with soap. "I know you've got a soft spot for the Winchesters, but I haven't known them as long as you have, so I've got no problem breaking Sam's nose to snap him out of this. You take the other two, I've got Sam."

One man threw a punch at Cas, who slammed his head onto the counter as I went towards Sam. He threw a punch at me, which I dodged and then dropped into a defensive stance. Thank God, or Chuck, that his brain was foggy and his style sloppy, otherwise I'd be dead meat. "Sam, snap the hell out of this!" I yelled at him as I sent a punch into his jaw. He blocked it and tried to shove me back, but I grabbed his arms and launched under his legs, coming up behind him. I jumped on his back and locked my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist so that he couldn't throw me off. "Sam, you need to stop this! You're stuck in your own head. If you don't snap out of this you fail Cas, you let Jack down, you can't ever see your brother Dean again!" One of the men fighting Cas noticed me and tore me off of Sam's back. I swiftly elbowed him in the face, leaving him dazed as Sam went after Cas.

I stood up just in time to see Sam lunge at an unaware Castiel. On instinct, I yelled, "NO!" and thrust my hand out. But it didn't sound like me. My voice was doubled and I could feel my eyes glowing. And instead of barreling into my angel friend, Sam Winchester was hovering in midair, like time had stopped around him. Shocked, at what I did, I dropped my hand and my eyes stopped glowing. Sam dropped onto the floor, where Cas grabbed him in a headlock and started to try to snap him out of it.

With a gasp, I ran out of the store. The psychic could have gotten away! But no, I stepped out the door to see him talking to Sunny, spewing some crap about her killing some boy. I yelled from behind him, "Hey asshat!" The man turned and I let my eyes glow once again. "I don't even know Sunny, but I can tell she wouldn't hurt a fly. You're the reason what's-his-name is dead. You're almost as bad as my uncle."

"He's right," Sunny spoke up. "I promised mom I wouldn't leave you, but you're a monster."

The man grabbed her by the arm and snapped, "No. No, in this town? I'm God."

Out of nowhere, a good-as-new Sam shoved him. "No. You're not. Believe me. We've met God."

"God has a beard!" Cas stated. The man scoffed and with a flick of his wrist, sent me and Castiel flying backwards. Cas hit a bench and broke it, and I hit my head against a nearby building with a sickening crack. Black spots blurred my vision just in time for me to see the man thrust his hand out at Sam, and the Winchester collapsing onto the ground. And then I blacked out.

The (Other) Nephilimजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें