Chapter Two

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The Winchesters knocked curtly on the door of the house that they had been directed to. The only survivor of the "family friendly slaughter," as Dean had dubbed it, had been the fifteen year old Lucas Crowe. This was where he was staying currently. A woman with a polite look of curiosity opened the door for them.

"Ms. Cole?" Sam asked.

She smiled. "That's me. Can I help you gentlemen?"

They flashed their badges. "Agents Lennox and Thornton, FBI. We're here to discuss what happened to Lucas Crowe. May we come in?" Dean asked and put on a smile.

The woman blushed and nodded, opening the door wider. "Of course, come in. " She ushered them into the living room and sat down on a chair. The men sat on the couch across from her and began.

"So, Ms. Cole, as we understand it, Lucas was the only survivor. Aside from the police, has he ever spoken to you or anyone else about the incident?" Sam asked solemnly. She shook her head. "And how did Lucas come to be living with you?"

"My son Milo is Lucas's best friend. They do everything together. On various occasions, Lucas has said that we're his second family. So when the police asked Lucas if he had anyone to stay with, he gave our names. And of course, I took him in. Honestly, that boy has been through so much. His father left before he was born, his mother died in childbirth, and when Shannon told him that she wasn't his real mom, he couldn't trust her for the longest time. And just when he's starting to feel comfortable around her again, this happens."

Sam and Dean nodded in sympathy. "Do you mind if we have a word with Lucas?" Dean asked, which earned a chuckle from Ms. Cole.

"I don't mind at all, but Lucas and Milo are in Old Town right now."

"Old Town?" Sam questioned in bewilderment.

"It's the historic part of this town," she explained. "Lots of shops and old buildings."

The "FBI agents" nodded in understanding and stood up. As Ms. Cole showed them out the door, Sam shook her hand. "Thank you, Ms. Cole. Your help is greatly appreciated."

"You're welcome, agent," she smiled warmly and took a piece of paper out of her pocket and wrote something down. "And agent Lennox?" she asked Dean. He turned to face the woman and she handed him the slip of paper. "Here's my number... in case you need any more information, that is." She rushed the last part out.

Dean smirked and pocketed the paper. "Thanks for the help - and the number - Ms. Cole."

"Please, call me Abby."

He smiled cockily. "Abby it is."

Sam rolled his eyes and practically dragged his brother back into the Impala. "Jeez Dean, lovey-dovey much?"

"Still got it," Dean chuckled as the Impala rumbled to life.

A/N: BTW, the case is in Florence, Oregon. I went there one time on a road trip and absolutely LOVED Old Town, so that's where I want Lucas and Milo to hang out.

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