Chapter Twenty-Three

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Dean had left to go talk with Sam, Jack, and Mary. I insisted on staying to keep an eye on Nick. I sat cross-legged on the floor in front of him. We were just looking at each other. He blinked.

"I win," I smiled.

He scoffed, "Was that supposed to be a staring contest?"

I shrugged, "Well, I thought it was."

Another scoff.

I played dumb and asked, "Your name's Nick, right?"

"Yeah, kid."

"You don't need to call me kid," I told him. I leaned forward and shook his hand, which was tied to the chair. "My name's Lucas."

"So what's the deal with you, huh? You Dean's kid? Sam's?"

"Umm, no," I mumbled, quickly trying to come up with a lie.

He raised an eyebrow. "Well? What're you doing with them, then?"

"Dean's more of an adoptive dad," I quickly lied/explained. "Uhh, Rowena's my mom." I wondered if he even knew who that was. Way to go, Lucas, I thought. Claim the three-hundred year old witch as your mom. That's believable. Even though she was one of the closest things I had to a mom right now, I certainly didn't want this guy to know that! Of course, it only occurred to me that that information could be used against me after I told him.

The door opened and the hinges creaked, and Jack walked in. I stood up and he looked at me. "I'm going to talk to him. Alone."

"What? No way, Jack," I protested, but he glared at me. I sighed, "Fine. I'll be outside." I looked at Nick. "Nick, you seem like an okay guy, besides the whole serial-killer thing, but if you -"

"Yeah, yeah, kid," he interrupted me. "Shoo, the grown-ups are gonna talk."

I sulked out to the hallway where the Winchesters were waiting and grumbled, "Technically, I'm thirteen years older than him." I closed the door, sat down against the wall, and waited.

After about ten minutes, Jack came out. We threw a bunch of questions at him, but he just explained, "Nick. He'll show us where to find Donatello."


Jack, Mary and I were waiting in the bunker while Sam and Dean took Nick and were going to get Donatello. Mary and I were in the Library/Telescope Room. I was reading a book in one of the chairs by the bookshelves, and Mary was going through the things they had brought back from Donatello's place. Jack walked in, probably coming from his bedroom. Or the kitchen. I knew that he liked to eat Crunch Cookie Crunch when Sam couldn't catch him.

"You hear from Sam and Dean?"

"No, not yet," Mary sighed.

"What's all this?"

"Some stuff we found at Donatello's. It's not helping."

She went to put one of the objects in the box, but Jack stopped her, frowning. "This... this was grace."

I closed my book and made my way over to them. I jumped up and sat on the table, criss-cross-applesauce, and saw what it was that "was grace." It was a silver syringe, and I could feel some strong energy coming from it. Like when I met Castiel for the first time.

"Can't you feel it?" Jack asked Mary as he picked it up. His eyes glowed, and he repeated, "This was filled with angelic grace."

Mary's eyes widened. She rushed to her phone and dialed Sam. She put it on speaker as it rang. He picked up, thank goodness.

"Mom?" Sam's voice rang through the device. There was off-tune singing in the background, and we heard him get out of the Impala and close the door. "Mom, hey."

Mary asked, "Sam, is Dean back?"

"No. He's not back yet."

"Did he just leave?"


"Listen, Sam," Mary got straight to the point. "Nick didn't poison Donatello, he injected him with angel grace. Jack sensed it coming off of the syringe Nick used."

"He's sure?"

"Yes, absolutely," Mary snapped.

"Damn it," Sam seethed, and hung up.

I asked, "Now what?"

She sighed, "Now we wait. And hope that Sam knows what to do."

Then, not ten minutes later, we got a call from Dean. Mary put him on speaker. "Hey, Dean, did you get Donatello?"

"Yeah, but mom... it's Nick."

"What? What happened?"

"Nick - he's trying to ressurect Lucifer."


"I don't know! I don't know. He played us."

"We have to stop him," Jack spoke up.

Dean snapped over the phone, "Yeah, well, we don't even know where he is, okay? And he hurt Sam. Got him in the head. I don't even want to move him. We called an ambulance, but they said twenty minutes. It's not good, mom. It's really bad."

Mary started to say something, but I didn't hear her. I was already flying to Sam and Dean.

I appeared right in front of Donatello, in between him and Dean, who was crouched over a heavily bleeding Sam. "Jiminy Christmas!" Donatello jumped about a foot in the air. Dean saw me and I could tell that he was genuinely scared for his brother's life. Immediately, I rushed forward and held my hand over Sam's head. I let my eyes glow as I healed him, a bright golden light shining from my palm.

Sam gasped sharply and sat up, the blood gone entirely. I looked at Dean with a dead serious face. "Jack promised not to use his powers without permission. I said no such thing."

He laughed, in relief or just out of humor, I didn't know. Putting a hand on my shoulder, he told me with a smile, "Never change. Got that?"

I held my hand up to my head in a mock salute, grinning like an idiot. "Yes, sir!"

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