Chapter Fifteen

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With a sharp gasp, my eyes flew open and I sat straight up. All I remember was the old man throwing me and Cas back, then something was happening to Sam, then I blacked out. I glance around wildly before realizing that I'm in the backseat of Castiel's car. After noticing me, Sam chuckles, "Hey, Lucas, I was a little worried that you wouldn't wake up! You woke up just in time." I look out the window just as Cas parks the car. We're back at the bunker.

"Hey! how was Arkansas?" Dean looked like he had just gotten back from Donatello's.

Sam laughed. "Arkansas was, uh. It was... weird."

"Heard you wore a cardigan."

Sam sighed and glared at Cas. The angel shrugged. "Yeah, I told him about the cardigan."

"Great. Thanks."

Dean looked at me. "By the way Lucas, you could've given some more warning before taking off like that."

I shrugged. "Sorry. Cas said he needed help with Sam, so I went to help him."

Cas added, "Right. Dean, Lucas can hear prayers as well."

Dean's smile was forced as he muttered, "Well, that's peachy."

I nodded awkwardly and asked, "Where's Jack?"

"In his room."

With another nod, I jogged to where our rooms were. When I entered, Jack was just setting the snake down on the shelf. "Hey, Jack!" I smiled. He turned around and suddenly looked happier. I closed the door behind me and flopped down on his bed. "Sorry I had to take off like that. But apparently I can hear prayers now, so that's cool."

"That is cool," he nodded, and turned his attention back to the snake and began talking to it. "Cas says you miss your friend. You need help. Sam and Dean would help you, so... so I'll help you. I'll help you see your friend again. In heaven." My eyes widened in horror as the snake turned to ash in his hands.

But I didn't say anything.

A/N: Hi! Sorry for the short chapter and missing the update, I've been super busy. Thank you to @tongue666 for voting on my story! Please vote and comment if you guys liked it, it would mean a lot to me. Also yay,,,, over 100 reads?? Thank you guys so much!! 😊 I'm really happy you guys like it. Also, I've decided that Lucas is gonna look up to Dean more, since Sam is a little closer to Jack. If you have any ideas about what I should do with Lucas in the upcoming parts of the story, feel free to write it into the comments or DM me your thoughts. I'd really love to hear from all of you.

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