Chapter One

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"Hey Dean, come check this out," Sam muttered, frowning at his computer screen.

"Yeah, what's up, Sammy?" Dean sauntered over to his little brother, holding a half-eaten burger.

"I think I found us a case, " Sam said. "Listen to this, 'Oregon woman goes berserk at family reunion, slaughters all but her adopted son. Said killer is currently missing.' That was last week."

"Why'd she leave him alive?" Dean wondered aloud.

"She didn't mean to," Sam explained. "The kid escaped through a bathroom window."

Dean took a bite of his burger and grumbled, "So what're we thinking? Demonic possession?"

The younger Winchester shrugged and leaned back in his chair. "Looks like it. You in?"

"Sure, why not?" Dean sighed. "It's worth checking out. Besides, we've done more on less. I'll get the gear. Do you mind letting Jack know where we'll be?"

"No problem," Sam nodded, standing up.

As his little brother walked off, Dean thought to himself, It's just a simple demon hunt. What could possibly go wrong?

Hey! Thanks for reading this. I know this chapter was really short, but I just needed to get something down. Hope you enjoy the story!

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