Chapter Eleven

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A/N: Sorry I missed the last update guys, here you go.

Time skip to episode fifteen

I was in the library/dining room part of the bunker reading up on as many monsters as I could. If I was going to someday go on 'hunts' with Cas, Dean, and Sam, I'd need to know what's out there and how to stop it. Hearing footsteps, I glanced up to see Dean heading towards the kitchen with a bag slung over his shoulder. I shook my head dismissively. A few minutes later he and Jack walked back through, the latter holding his snake it it's enclosure.

"Get your nose outta those books, Luke," Dean addressed me. He had nicknamed me Luke and been calling me that for a couple days now, which was odd considering I had only known him for three days and my name wasn't all that long to begin with. "We're going on a field trip."

I slammed the book shut, practically leaping out of my seat. "Okay! Lemme just go get my shoes," I beamed, and dashed off to my room. I slid on my Converse and tied the laces, my mind racing a hundred miles a minute. I wonder where we're going. Why did Jack have his snake? Oh, what if this is a hunt! If it is, I wonder what we're hunting. Wendigo? Ghost? Vampire? Ghoul? What was in Dean's bag? ARGH I WISH I COULD HURRY UP AND GET BACK TO JACK AND DEAN SO WE CAN LEAVE! And all of a sudden there I was, tying my shoe in front of Dean and my cousin.

I looked up at them, then around at my surroundings. Somehow, I'd appeared at the stairwell where they were waiting for me. Dean seemed shocked, like I was. As for Jack, he was smiling proudly. I could almost hear him thinking, I knew you could do it.

"Well, I guess I finally did it," I smiled sheepishly, and ran up the stairs to join them. Since I had gotten my powers back, Jack had been showing my how to heal people and move stuff with my mind, and how to control when my eyes glow so that they don't randomly go off in front of normal people. But the one thing I kept having trouble with was the whole teleporting thing, or 'flying,' as they called it. I just called it teleporting because it made more sense to me.


The three of us sat in the Impala as it sped down the highway. Dean and Jack were up front, and I was sitting in the back with the snake in my lap. Dean looked at the snake wearily, then announced, "Why don't you two grub up? We've still got a couple hours."

"I'm not really hungry," Jack replied. Dean looked back at me and I shook my head.

"Well, maybe feed the snake something," he suggested. "Yeah, here." He pulled a couple packages out of the grocery bag next to him and handed them to Jack. "Give 'im one of these. I bet he's never had that before," Dean chuckled. Putting the snake on the seat, I leaned forward to see Jack holding a couple plastic-wrapped cakes.

I looked to Dean in bewilderment as my cousin stated, "I don't think you have a firm grasp on what snakes eat."

"Yeah, no. I always thought they were kinda cool though."

"Well, most people think they're dangerous," Jack deadpanned.

I could tell Dean was really trying to connect with him. "Hm. Well, maybe it's not the snake that's dangerous. It's their... bite." Even Dean seemed confused by what was coming out of his own mouth.

"Is... is that a saying?" Jack asked.

"It is now," Dean smirked. He nodded to the cakes. "You guys try those. Great." Jack shuffled though them, and finally decided on the angel food cake, handing me the leftover devil's food cake. Which was kind of ironic since his dad is the devil and my dad is supposed to be the head-honcho of angels.

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