Chapter Thirty-One

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Castiel, Chuck and I entered Mirror to absolute chaos. People were fighting and shoving, one guy was ripping up documents while singing, "I hate everyone! I hate everyone!" and there was a woman crying on the floor saying she just wanted to be loved.

"Wow," I muttered. "I don't suppose this is from the coffee running out in the break room?"

"You see, this is why people need to lie," Chuck explained. "Keeps the peace, you know?"

Cas shuffled his feet. "Seems like an odd stance for... you."

"Is it? I'm a writer. Lying kinda what we do."

Shaking his head, Cas waded his way through the anarchy, shouting out to the Winchesters, "Sam! Dean!"

Chuck and I followed, leading to a white door opened to reveal Dean. "Cas," he exclaimed while ushering him in. "How'd you get here?"

"He brought me."

Cas nodded back to me and Chuck, who smiled and closed the door behind him. "Hey guys." Dean and Sam gaped. I sat in an empty chair next to Sam as Chuck continued, "I know what you're thinking; it's been awhile, and I still look pretty good."

"No, that's — that's not what we were thinking," Sam frowned.

"Where the hell have you been?" Dean leered over the squirrelly man.

"Well, you know, it's a funny story, reminds me of a song." He pulled a guitar out of nowhere and strummed a few chords, but before he could continue, Dean yanked it away from him and smashed it on the ground.

"Answer the damn question," he bellowed.

"Don't," Chuck yelled back, pointing a finger at him. I swore, Dean almost looked scared. Everyone tensed up, not including myself. He lowered his hand and sighed, "It's a little cramped in here, don't you think?" He snapped his fingers, and suddenly we were back at the bunker, sitting around the world map. "There, that's better."

I glanced around and frowned, "How did you...?"

"So," Chuck ignored me. "How's things?" Nobody answered. He rolled his eyes. "Okay, look. I get it. All right, I'm the deus from the machina, and you have questions. So, great. Go."

Sam spoke up, "Yeah, like Dean said, where have you been?"

"It's hard to explain; everywhere and nowhere, to the edge of the universe and beyond. And I saw Springsteen on Broadway. Man's a genius."

"What about Amara?" Dean asked. I thought back and remembered when Castiel first told me I was a nephilim, he said that Amara was Chuck's sister.

"She's been with me. Yeah, it's been nice reconnecting after the whole 'trying to murder me and end all existence' thing."


This time Cas spoke, "Where is she now?"

"Reno. Turns out, she loves kino."

Dean again, "And you're here because..."

"Because of Jack," Cas supplied. Chuck pointed to him with a slight nod.

"Listen," he explained. "You guy know me. I'm hands-off. I build the sandbox, you guys play in it. You wanna fight Leviathans? Cool, you got that. You want to go up against — what was it? — the 'British Men of Letters'? Okay. Little weak, but, okay. But when things get really bad, like the Apocalypse, or the other Apocalypse, that's when I have to step in."

I was so fucking confused. What the hell was he saying?

Sam frowned. "So you're saying Jack is... Apocalyptic?"

"The kid said, 'Stop lying,' and I don't know if you noticed, but the world kinda went insane." With a flick of his hand, the old radio turned on, revealing almost every station telling people that it wasn't safe, that there was rioting in the streets, and something about the Queen of England being a lizard. He flicked his hand again, and it shut off. "See?"

"Can you fix it?" Cas asked.

He sighed, but nodded and snapped his fingers. "Fixed."

Sam stammered, "Wha — Really?"

"I'm God, Sam. Yeah, really." My jaw fell slack, but he didn't notice, continuing, "Go ahead, try it out."

Dean hesitated, before stating, "Celine Dion rocks." He glanced around for a second then nodded, "Yeah. Yeah, we can lie again."

"Wait wait wait," I shook my head before looking to Chuck. "You're God?"

He nodded, looking a bit confused as Castiel explained, "Well, yes. I told you, he's your grandfather. Michael's father is God."

I looked back and forth between the two of them before exclaiming incredulously, "I thought you meant he was my grandpa on my mom's side!" I got quite a few weird looks. Sighing, I stood up. "You know what, never mind, I'm gonna go see if I can find a lead on Jack." With that, I flew to my room and flopped face-first onto my bed.

So. That squirrelly, scruffy-looking guy was God. Hell, at that point I was just about ready to believe anything, yet it was pretty difficult to wrap my head around that little tidbit of info. The guy looked like he'd go comatose from just one punch from Dean. And I was supposed to believe that he created the universe? Yeah, that was a little tricky to take in. But you know what, screw it, why not. Everything else was pretty damn fucked up at that point, anyways.

Once I'd forced myself to accept that fact, I decided to shift my focus. I told the guys that I'd try to get a lead on Jack, so that was what I was gonna do. Sure, my cousin had basically a built-in cloaking device like a Star Wars ship, but he was still -- at least half -- human. He had to have some sort of chink in his armor. Feeling like an idiot, I sat cross-legged on the floor and straightened my back. If I was doing it right, then this was some sort of meditation pose thing that I picked up in a Yoga and Pilates class I took for a health credit. As I let out a sigh, I closed my eyes and expanded my consciousness. 

Jack gave out a very unique mental signature, being a nephilim and all. I remember reading about something quite similar in a book once. It was titled A Wrinkle in Time, and when it talked about 'tessers', it described something about everybody's minds being tuned into their own signature frequency. If you could expand your own, then you could tap into and, eventually learn to recognize, others'. And whoo boy let me tell you; Jack has the weirdest and most complicated goddamn frequency in all of existence. Man, either he really had been practicing, or I was just really bad at this. Despite this, I was still able to pick up a bit of a location. It was a very (very) vast area, almost covered five whole states, but hey, a lead is a lead.

A/N: Heyyy guys. So. I haven't updated in a hot minute... my bad :/

tbh I'm getting really sporadic with my update schedule, so as of now I don't have one! I'm just gonna update when I can and then retreat into my cave. Happy May Day tomorrow, y'all! 

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