😊😊Baby Keith😊😊

Start from the beginning

"He looks so cute!" Allura squeals and pinches Keith's cheeks. Keith smacked her hand away and squirmed in Shiro's arms.

Shiro sighed and set the younger down. "When will he turn back to normal?"

"Time will tell." Coran shrugged. "Not much we can do but wait. Did you bring the plant you saw back to the castle?"

Shiro nodded. "It's in the black lion." Coran, Allura, and Shiro made their way out the main deck and to the black lion's hangar.

"Wait what are we suppose to do with Keith?" Hunk asks. Hunk didn't really know how to take care of kids, but he's willing to try. When Lance tells him to babysit his nieces and nephews he was told he did an amazing job, so he guesses that he's good at it.

"I guess we watch over the little guy until Shiro comes back." Pidge shrugs. She looked over to Keith and immediately beamed at how tall she was compared to him.

"Pidge is finally taller than someone," Lance teased, which earned him a hard punch in the side. Lance yelped and rubbed his side. Keith huffed and looked around. Everything was so much more bigger when he's so short. 

Hunk decided to pick Keith up, which was a bad idea to do when he's distracted. Hunk ended up getting a soft punch to the face. Keith stared wide eyed at the dark brown haired male. "Sowwy 'Unk!" Keith put his small hands on the older's cheeks. "Sowwy.."

Hunk aww'd at Keith's cuteness. "It's okay Keith. I startled you and that was my fault. I should've gotten your attention first."

"Well," Pidge started, "Wanna continue playing uno in the lounge?"

Hunk and Lance nodded. Keith let out a small groan. He wanted to go train. The four made their way to the lounge room and they got settled in. Hunk sat Keith in between of Pidge and Lance.

"Keith, what can you remember right now?" Pidge asked.

"Twainin', Alra', 'Ighting, 'Olors, and twat's it." Keith responded, holding up his fingers to number his choices.

"Buddy, why are you holding up ten fingers?" Hunk asks.

"I swaid ten 'hings right?" Keith lifted a brow.

"You said four things." Pidge stated.

Keith blinked and mumbled a quiet "oh". Lance couldn't help but laugh. This was hilarious. This is perfect blackmail material. He could make fun of Keith for ages. The brunette stopped when he heard a quiet sniffle. He looked to Keith and saw him holding his little fist to his eyes.

Keith let out one sob and that turned into uncontrollable crying. Pidge punched Lance, causing the older to yell out in pain. "Lance apologize." Hunk says, reaching over the cards to pick Keith up. Hunk started bouncing Keith on his side to help him calm down.

"I didn't do anything!"

"You started laughing at him. Kids are sensitive Lance." Pidge said, shaking her head.

Lance knew that but he thought since it was Keith he could get away with it. The brunette sighed and got up. Keith was still crying and Hunk couldn't seem to calm his down. Lance took Keith from his arms and sat on the couch.

He set Keith on his lap and watched him cry for a bit. Lance moved Keith's hands away from his eyes and his heart hurt by how hard Keith was crying.

"Hey, I'm sorry." Lance whispered, "That wasn't nice of me and I shouldn't have laughed."

Lance wiped away Keith's tears and watched the younger whimper. Lance ran his fingers through Keith's raven hair and started humming a lullaby his mother use to sing to him when he had trouble sleeping as a kid. Keith let out more sniffles and listen closely to what Lance was humming. It soothed  him. Lance smiled when he saw Keith not crying anymore.

"I'm sorry Keith." Lance says again. Keith nodded and mumbled, "'S okay."

"Lance, I didn't know you could hum so well." Pidge says bewildered. She sits on the couch next to Lance while Hunk sat on the other side.

"I got the genetics from my mamá. I sing my nieces and nephews to sleep all the time with that lullaby." Lance smiled.

"'Ing it 'gain!" Keith said.

Lance chuckled and rubbed the younger's head. "Alright, I'm known for making people fall asleep with my singing."

Pidge snorted. "I'll be the judge of that."


"Guys, have you seen Kei...th?" Shiro asked when he walked into the lounge. The first thing he saw was the Uno cards still on the floor. He looked on the couch and saw Keith sleeping in Lance's arms, Pidge sleeping on Lance's shoulder, Hunk sleeping on Lance's other shoulder, and Lance laying his head on top of Pidge's sleeping soundly.

Shiro smiled softly. "Good night guys." He whispered and dimmed the lights in the lounge room. He walked out the lounge room knowing Keith's in good hands.
A/N: This chapter was cute to writeeeeeee! 😭💖

See you next chapter!

Words: 1393

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