rainbow is a promise

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Since I was young, my mother taught us to read our bible everyday. We were taught that bible is a book of life, where all the answer to our life. So one of my favourite story all the time must be the story of Noah. It may seems a small story and only suitable for children but for me it holds a big message inside of it. The story comes with the flood which attacked the whole world and God helped Noah and his little family to be saved from it by telling Noah to do an ark. At the end of the story, God made a promise saying He would not punish the world with this way and He said the rainbow will be the prove, it will be the sign of a promise between the world and God.

In life, we will face a lot of things. Life is all about ups and downs, it is a roller coaster, sometimes you will be in the up, or you will be in the down but most important thing is the ending will always be good because God promises rainbow after a big flood, so there must be a light after a darkness. It may seems like there is no way out for you right now, but trust me, you are about to get our from this darkness. It just, you have to follow the lead of God because He knows better, He knows which way will lead you to the rainbow and He will always lead you to the rainbow because remember, that is His promise to the world, God loves us so much to break the promise.

Choose your way, to the rainbow.

HOPEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora