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The moment we born into this world, we are holding on something, what is it? the purpose.

Everyone in this world, live for a purpose. God chosen you as you will do something for Him and for the world. He knows why He chosen you, there is a reason why.

Have you ever think about why do you live? Why can you see the world? Why can you breathe? Why? What if you never born in your life, who you are now, where you are now, maybe you don't even exist in this world. Well we never know because you and me are living now, chosen by God, to do our purpose.

There will be a moment in life, where we will fail. No matter failing our job interview, failing our exam, failed to make our parents proud, failed to save your relationship or your friendship. Failure can be happens to anyone and if you never face your greatest failure then you are not really living your life. So when we fail, we tend to be in pains, to be in sadness, depressed or even giving up. I was in a moment where I wanted to give up as I was tired of fighting for everything yet nothing works out but what keeps me moving forward and not giving up is the purpose of my life. When you are struggling, try not to stop, or giving up as there are a reason why you struggles.

I always have this kind of thoughts, where I know there must be a reason why I am here, why I am struggling and why I failed. I know all the things that I faced, actually leading me to my purpose. We can't just find our purpose like that, in order to know what is the purpose of your life, you have to be in different kind of journey, you have to climb a mountain, you have to suffer in a desert, you have to fly and reach the space, you have to swim all over the sea, you have to walk all over the world, just to know your purpose.

Life would brings us a lot of pains, failures, heartbreaks but never stop there, you still have a purpose to chase, you still have a purpose for you to figure it out, always remember that there is a reason why you live, so live on it. When life give you thousands reason to give up, always hold on to one reason- the purpose of your life. God never choose the wrong person to live, God have big things for you, God wanted to use you for a better world, so wait for the purpose on your life, don't give up.

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