your circle

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For me, having a good and healthy circle was never important but after letting some unhealthy and toxic people get into my circle, I started to be very cautious and picky who do I let to be in my circle as the people who you let in your circle will effect the quality of your life.

Let me tell a story about me. There was a friend who I let into my life and it ended up very bad as she showed up me some unhealthy act. I was thinking about to cut her off or not as the act that she did was never unhealthy. I admit it, I am not a good friend as I let her do it without giving any advices because that was what a good friend should do but I never did that so I failed as a friend actually. So I decided to cut her off from my circle. First of all, I failed as a friend and I know I should stop this friendship. Secondly, I was thinking about her behaviour that could effect my circle. She lied to people and if she could do that to other people, it is possible for her to do it on me too, to lie on me. I am done with any pains or heartbreaks in life especially involving friendship so before it is getting late, I decided to cut her off from my circle.

When I cut her off from my circle, there are thousand of talks about me, saying I am a bad person for ever doing something cruel like that but I feel unbothered by any of the bad talks they ever said about me because I know what the best in my life, I know what the best in my circle. Every single decisions that I made was followed by a thousand thoughts and advices, that is mean I never do or decide anything without thinking deeper so I never get bother by anyone saying something that is not true about me because as long as I have the truth in me, I have the strong reason to do something, that is what really matter.

People will say you are bad for cutting off people from your circle but I wish you know that, it is your rights, it is our rights to do anything in our life. If you think someone is bringing some unhealthy and bad vibes in your life, then cut him or her off immediately. Same goes to me, if you think I am a negative vibes, cut me off because it is all about you, it is your life, and remember that people in your circle affect the quality of your life so choose people wisely and be brave to do anything in order to keep a healthy circle.

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