Chapter 16: What He Wants

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Chapter 16: What He Wants


I haven't been thinking straight lately. I'm not sure why. It's as if my common sense is there, but I'm not acting on what it wants me to do.

I'd been contemplating on not sneaking out of my room to see the Prince, only because I had to get up for work tomorrow at 6:30. Gina specifically told us that we no longer had days off until someone owned up to being the thief. I'm not sure what they're the thief of, but what did know was that they had better own up soon. I wanted my rest... and I wanted to see the Prince without having to worry about waking up early the next day. But even though I had no time to sneak out to see him, I did it anyway.

You know when guys 'think with their dicks'? That's exactly how my thought process has been going so far. I've been thinking with my vagina more than I did with my brain. And as often as I would tell the Prince that I didn't want him to touch me, we both knew that was just a lie. Him touching me again was what I was truly anticipating from this visit.

I don't know how I ended up actually falling through with this, but it was too late now. I was already in front of his bedroom door, with my hand balled up into a fist, prepared to knock. I sighed one last time before gently rapping my knuckles against the door.

Not even a breath later, the door swung open, revealing the relieved expression of the Prince. He smiled genuinely, unknowingly sending a shiver down my spine.

"Hey," he greeted, breathing heavily. He wore black pajama pants and a black, long-sleeve shirt. The shirt was made of a thin material that hugged his torso perfectly. His body was rather admirable when he isn't wearing a suit, even though he looks almost as attractive as he does at this moment. And black... it was definitely his color.

But, he's not my type. And yes, I know a white guy was my first. But just because I slept with a white guy before, doesn't mean I'd see myself seriously dating one. What I was doing, was strictly for my entertainment and pleasure.

"Hi... Um, may I come in? I don't want the guards to see me," I said wearily.

"Yeah, come, come," he said, gesturing for me to step into his room.

I glanced his way suspiciously before sitting on the ottoman anterior to his bed. "What did I come here for again," I inquired as he poured himself a glass of wine. He looked at me as if he was questioning whether I wanted a glass for myself. I shook my head in declination.

"Well," he paused to sip his wine. "You're here to tell me about yourself," he explained, amusement on his features. He was oddly becoming more and more handsome by the second.

"Why do you want to know about me," I interrogated. How the hell does him knowing about me benefit him in any way?

The amusement was gone. "Would you believe me if I told you I'm interested in you," he asked, soberly.

I looked away from him and stifled a laugh, one that I could hardly contain.

"What's so funny," he questioned with a confused frown.

"You're a Prince, Sir. I'm a maid. Does it sound normal to you that a Prince is interested in a maid," I pressed. I couldn't just come out and say 'No.' Honestly, I don't believe him. As Gina said, he was a conniving man.

"Yes, it does. Just because you're a maid, it doesn't make you any less of a human than me. Don't degrade yourself," he pushed back.

"I wasn't degrading myself. I just don't think it's normal," I explained.

"A man and woman is normal, a man and man is normal, a woman and woman is normal. But a human and animal... that's just sick," he shuddered uncomfortably while I continued staring at him.

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