Chapter 31: The Mistake

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Long awaited, but finally here. This is the first sex scene I've written in a very long time so I hope it's good. *Fingers crossed*

Chapter 31: The Mistake


Everything was working in his favor that night. The fact that not a single soul paid him any mind while he coerced me at the celebration, his fiancée had not been looking for him the entire time he was in attendance, and there weren't any guards on the trek to his room. Not a single one. You can even say that my thought process was proof that luck was in his favor as well.

I was meant to say no to even being alone with him that night. I listened and briefly thought about what Prince Rodney said, which is why I decided to cancel on Vincent in the first place. But here I was, sitting with my legs tucked beneath me in a sofa chair across from the eldest Prince with a glass of red wine in both of our hands. I observed him as he stared down at his glass with a thoughtful expression on his attractive features. He was dressed in a well-tailored, forest green suit. I'd never think that gold and green would match so well with his complexion but it did. I knew it seemed to him that, for the third time, I fell for his usual 'I want to talk to you' trick. But I promise I didn't fall for anything. I wanted to be here.

If he didn't come after me, I was going to leave the night as it is. But because he did, I'm now taking the chance. It was like a flip of a coin. I was the person that was flipping the coin and he was the force that determined its landing. It was either heads, we end the night clean. Or tails, we have sex. At this point, the coin was still in the air.

"If I drink anymore I won't be able to contain myself so let me just put this down," I heard him state jokingly as he placed his glass on the small coffee table. He really was a good-looking bastard. So good-looking, he'd look even better if I sit on his face.

"Contain yourself from what," I asked teasingly. I knew damn well what he was referring to. The sexual tension was just too strong. If you didn't come in this room already horny, you'd instantly feel uncomfortable just from the libidinous atmosphere.

"Nothing," he shook it off and looked away from me, breaking his bright blue eyes away from my darker ones.

"So... what did you want to talk about," I started, attempting to steer the conversation.

He looked at me again. "Anything that will make you stay in here with me," he answered honestly as he sipped his wine again. I felt like playing with him a little. We had to see where the coin would land.

"Sir, we've talked-"

"I know we've talked about this. But, I need you now. I really need you," he said sincerely. My heart almost leaped out of my ass but I wasn't going to show how turned on I was.

"I can't. I already told you. I know you can't take no as an answer, but with me, you will," I said as seriously as I could. I set my glass down and rose from my seat, getting ready to head for the door. If he lets me leave, then it's not meant to happen.

I heard him get out of his seat and in less than a second later he grabbed my wrist, gently pulling me back to him. "You really don't understand how much I need you right now. I don't want any other woman, but you. You've been the only woman that has managed to consume my thoughts," he said, his clouded gaze staring intensely into my eyes. I felt like his passion was going to pierce my soul with this look and his corny words.

"But, what about...her," I whispered, stepping closer to him. He did propose to Lady Melanie, so how could I really be the only woman that's been on his mind?

He visibly stiffened at the question, but quickly recovered. "She's an obligation," he said, shamefully. "I'm a shitty person and I'm not proud of wanting another woman. But, I cannot help but to go after something I want and right now that is you."

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