Chapter 25: Willpower

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If you guys could, please read the Author's Note below. I need a little help with something.

Chapter 25: Willpower


On a normal night, I would have been pissed that I had to clean up the entire ballroom by myself. But tonight was not a normal night. Tonight was the night that the Prince of the United Kingdom admitted that he wants to make love to me.

As corny as it sounds, it was rather frightening. I didn't like the idea of knowing he wanted me in that way. I would've been perfectly fine with him telling me he wanted to fuck or just have sex, but make love. No. He was really out of his mind with that one.

"Folashadé," Gina called, her voice echoed as she entered the deserted ballroom.

"Yes," I answered dutifully. I felt no desire to disrespect Gina. She was only doing her job, although I hated that she punished me before allowing me to defend myself in the matter.

"Would you care to tell me what happened between you and King Boris," she questioned as my eyes expanded into saucers.

A King!? That perverted shit--man--that perverted man was a King?

"A King," I had to make sure I was hearing her correctly.

"Yes; a King. King Boris of Norway," she elaborated.

"Gina, I didn't know that man was a King. I'm very sor--"

"Do not apologize to me. Apologize to the people you embarrassed," she said with her arms folded.

"Princess Genevieve and King Mathias," I guessed, anxiously.

"And King Boris and the rest of his family," she added.

I bit down on my lips as I remembered how I embarrassed the family. But King Boris? He'll no! He didn't deserve a damn apology!

"Now, explain to me what happened," Gina reiterated, once again catching my attention.

"I was at the snack table getting Prince Vincent a glass of champagne... and the King... Boris...," I cringed at the sound of his name escaping my mouth. It tasted like vomit. "... He came behind me, too closely, and attempted to reach for a croissant off of my tray."

"Then why did you hit him," she questioned, impatiently.

Did she not hear what I just said? "Gina, the man tried to sexually harrass me. If I have to press charges against a King then so be it, but I will not let a man sexually harrass me without inflicting some kind of pain on him in return," I said, becoming fed up with this whole ordeal.

"I understand, but I believe you could've handled the situation differently," she replied, stubbornly. "I'll vindicate you, but King Mathias still wants an apology."

I shrugged and went back to collecting the leftover trash off of the tables. "I don't mind apologizing to the Royal Family, but I will not apologize to that pervert," I said as calmly as I could without screaming at her.

"Folashadé, you need to grow up. You are working for the Royal Family now, so I expect you to act like it," she strained to say. I stopped my cleaning and glared at her. "You either get your act together or get the hell out," she menacingly hissed before turning around to leave.

"When do I have to apologize," I bellowed as she was already halfway to the exit.

"Tomorrow, during breakfast," she informed.

"Yes, ma'am," I mumbled with a nod.



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