Chapter 15: Dogs Chasing Cats

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My best friend and I are writing a rant book on our joint account, AKA EnvyTheGoddesses. Lol follow that account and stay tuned, guys. :)

Chapter 15: Dogs Chasing Cats


It has been a little over a week and I still have yet to be graced with Folashadé's presence. I told her to come to my room at 5 AM on her day off, and I'm quite sure that one of these days in this week was scheduled as her free day.

I knew for a fact that today she was working. I saw her bringing tea to Genny's chambers around noon. I had no idea where she could possibly be at this moment, but I had enough time to go out and find her.

She wasn't in the dining hall, the garden, the drawing rooms, the library, nor the grand kitchen. She wasn't anywhere in the State Apartments, so she had to be in the Servants' Quarters.

I walked the distance from the State Apartments, all the while anticipating what I would say when I ask for Folashadé. I couldn't just blatantly come out and say that I need to speak with her, it'll raise unwanted questions.

So instead of proceeding into the large, brick building, I averted to the back. I knew exactly where her window was. My memory was just that impressive.

Now that I was standing beneath her window, I realized that there wasn't much I could do. I wasn't going to shout out her name, or throw rocks as if I was Romeo. I wasn't a love-sick boy, I was a sexually frustrated man.

"Fuck," I swore under my breath. There was only one way I could get in there to see her.

I made my way back to the front entrance of the building. The door wasn't anywhere near as extravagant as my bedroom's. It was large, made of sturdy wood, and had a large bronze knob as a handle with a keyhole in it.

I put that thought aside as I firmly knocked on the door.

Gina fiercely opened the door. She stared at me from head-to-toe before settling a faux smile on her aging visage.

"Good afternoon, Your Highness. What brings you out here," she asked in genuine confusion.

I stuck my hands into my trouser pockets. "I'm looking for one of your maids. I believe she has something of mine," I lied effortlessly.

Gina's confused expression turned into that of rage. "What!? Do you remember what she looks like," she interrogated.

Immediately I sensed her frustration. "Hold on, Gina," I chuckled raising my hands in mock surrender. "I don't think she took it intentionally. And she probably doesn't have it anyway, I just stopped by to make sure she doesn't have it," I reassured.

"Oh, I know these maids. They'll steal anything that will get them a fortune," Gina said so surely.

Maybe I shouldn't have gone through with this plan anyway.

"I see," I said simply. I wanted to leave.

"So what does she look like," she pressed.

I didn't want Folashadé to get in trouble for something she didn't do. That's just going to ruin my chances of seeing her even more. But at the same time I wanted to see her so bad. I would just have to take this lost.

I glanced at my watch and feigned shock. "Fuck, excuse my language, but I have a meeting soon. Could you send some pleasantries to the Green Drawing Room," I hurriedly said as I backed out of the Servants' Quarters. "We'll talk about this later," I said as I hastily slammed the door behind me and rushed down the path that led to the building.

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