Chapter 13: Risks

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This chapter is a little boring, but at the same time, it isn't. But I'll be updating again tomorrow to make up for it. Anyway, enjoy!

Chapter 13: Risks


I couldn't sleep for two nights. The night I visited the Prince and the night after that. If I thought that him leaving a hickey on my neck was bad, then visualizing that kiss, every time I closed my eyes, had to be ten times worse. I was just fucked all over, physically and mentally.

I was kind of scared to work today. Mainly because I knew people would question me about this hickey, and because I was just too anxious to see the Prince.

He actually fingered and kissed me. Tell me, if the Prince of the United Kingdom kissed and fingered you, then suggested that you leave, wouldn't you be afraid to face him? Of course.

I mean, seriously, I probably looked like the common whore with what happened that night. If that man didn't interrupt us, I'm sure the Prince would've gotten what he wanted.

But now that I think back on what happened, I realized that sleeping with him would have been a risk. I needed to think about my job. Think about the salary I'm getting. Think about going back to New York. Think about reuniting with Ezra.

If anyone, especially Gina, found out about what happened between me and the Prince, I'd most likely be fired in 2 seconds top. I didn't want that. I knew he wouldn't defend me, I was just the girl he wanted to fuck, as he puts it. If I was fired, it wouldn't affect him. But, for me, it'll ruin me, sort of.

"Folashadé, come, I have someone I want you to meet," I heard Tiffany call from down the hall.

I looked toward the door just in time for Tiffany to arrive. Beside her was a black girl with an almost fair tone. She wore the same maid uniform as me and Tiffany. Her hair was a light brownish color and it was pulled into a high bun.

"Hi, I'm Folashadé," I greeted politely.

The girl's eyes briefly glanced toward my neck before a smile surfaced on her exotic features. "I'm Diani," the girl introduced.

Her accent was as English as anyone else's in the castle, however, she just had this African vibe to her.

"Where are you from, you sound different from everyone else," Diani observed.

"Oh, I'm from America; New York specifically," I replied with a light laugh.

"I never met a Yank before," she smiled.

I forced a smile on my face. You'd be surprised by how many English people called me that while I was here.

"Actually, Folashadé's Ethiopian-American," Tiffany added.

"Oh really? I'm South African, on both parents' sides," Diani informed.

"Yeah, my parents are both Ethiopian too, but my mother was raised in America," I replied, providing some information of my own.

"I just knew you two would get a long greatly," Tiffany squealed.

Diani and I laughed at Tiffany's gleefulness.

"Diani's going to start working today. I'll be giving her tips and whatnot, just in case you'll be wondering where I am," Tiffany explained.

"Okay, have fun," I said in as cheerful as a tone that I could muster.

"Oh, and before I go, what in the world happened to your neck this time," Tiffany inquired.

"I got a rash from the soap I was using the other day," I lied, effortlessly.

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