Chapter 1: The Broken-hearted Girl

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I'll put up pics later. Just know that Shadé is played by Esperanza Spalding (until I find someone who perfectly fits her appearance in my head, since Shadé is actually darker than Esperanza and her hair is a little curlier)

And I'm sooo so so sorry for not uploading this at night (not 2 AM) but, I literally got home about an hour or so ago and I had to get settled in. But yeah, here's the first chapter!

Chapter 1: The Broken-hearted Girl


I've never been so heartbroken in my entire life. Having to see my ex-boyfriend stick his penis into another female that wasn't me was far too unbearable. I wanted to throw up when I saw that it was Mrs. Richardson, my math teacher. I should've suspected. He went from getting Cs and Ds to getting straight As in her class in a matter of a week. I mean, math wasn't Jared's forte. And peer tutors? There wasn't really any. The only tutoring he had were the afternoon 'tutoring sessions' he had with Mrs. Richardson, in which she was usually the only one who taught the students. It was like an after school class.

I knew something was up when I didn't see him all day. I knew he was there because I asked his cousin, Marcel, if he'd seen him at all that day.


I was standing in the front of the school, leaning beside the gate. Today was my last day of coming here since I'll be leaving Sunday afternoon. I really wanted to spend all Friday and Saturday with Jared, but I was beginning to get the feeling he didn't come to school today.

"Hey, Fro," Marcel's cheery voice called from behind me.

I looked over my shoulder to see Marcel's light brown face. He was good-looking, but he wasn't handsome. He wasn't Jared.

"Hi. Have you seen your cousin," I asked, glancing around the crowd of students leaving the school's campus. "I haven't seen him at all today," I added thoughtfully.

"He came to school. I saw him in third period," he said as I felt his gaze trail down the length of my body.

I shivered as I blankly stared at him "Okay, well where is he now, he usually waits for me out here," I bit my lip.

"He's in tutoring," he replied.

"Oh," I said simply. "Math tutoring," I asked, receiving a nod from him. "Well, um, thank you," I said, giving him a quick hug before turning around to head back to the school.

"Hey, Shadé," he called, catching my attention. I looked over my shoulder. "Good luck in England," he smiled.

I returned the expression as I thanked him again. I treaded back into the school, maneuvering through the wide corridors. As I approached Mrs. Richardson's classroom, I could hear faint moaning.

I walked a bit faster until I reached the door. But as I peeped into the classroom's door windows, I felt my heart shatter.

There, leaning on my desk in the front row, was Mrs. Richardson lying on her stomach with Jared ramming himself into her backside. His pants and boxers were dropped to his ankles, while the skirt she wore today was pushed up to her waist. He suddenly pulled out of her and crouched down, holding her dented rear in a tight grasp. I watched in pure disgust as he licked vigorously between her legs.

I kissed him. I kissed him more often than not and this is where his mouth has been? This is what he's been doing at these 'tutoring sessions'!? I felt like I was going to vomit right then and there. It was just disgusting.

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