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Avalon had spent the majority of Christmas Day chasing her nephew around the house, and she couldn't be happier doing so.

As much as she used to think she didn't like children, Ezra Frederick Weasley, a beautiful little boy with curly black hair and dark brown eyes, made her realize that she absolutely adored being Auntie Avalon. Even though her brother's adopted son couldn't really pronounce Avalon, she still cried nearly every time he called out his botched pronunciation of her name and toddled towards her on his chubby, wobbly legs.

The only people Ezra loved more than his aunt were his dads. Over the past year, Oliver and Lawrence had grown into fatherhood, as if they were meant for the role.

She sat on the couch in the living room, Ezra sleeping soundly in her arms after playing all day, and reflected upon the past five years of her life:

She had become the starting Seeker of the Holyhead Harpies, after the Seeker she was on reserve for retired. It turned out that Coach Jones was dying of cancer, a secret she let Avalon in on only three days before her passing. She had only been so harsh to the young Seeker because she wanted her to be the best she could be.

Avalon had moved in with Teddy a few months after her brother's wedding, and her long-time boyfriend had only grown up to be more handsome, kind, and wonderful.

Isabel had graduated Hogwarts and gone on to follow in her Aunt Bellamy's footsteps, becoming a photographer for the Quibbler. Although, since Cordelia inherited her father's wealth and estate when he died in Azkaban three years ago, Isabel really didn't have to work. She could have stayed home, or picked up a hobby that became her passion. It seemed, however, that photography had become her passion. The two girls were eighteen and still madly in love, just as they had been years ago.

Arthur and Beth eventually had broken up, the bloom of first love finally wearing off. Arthur went on to teach Arithmancy at Hogwarts, while Beth moved to Egypt to work part-time as a curse breaker, and part-time as a diplomat between England and Egypt. The two best friends had drifted apart, but they still remained close.

Josephine and Alaina had finally gotten together just a few months ago. Jo was a Healer at St. Mungo's, and Lainey was on track to become an Auror.

Violetta was the Assistant to the Minister for Magic, and she knew in her heart that it was because she was highly qualified and not because Avalon had put in a good word with Kingsley.

Fred and Amelia Weasley were still ridiculously happy together, going on twenty one years as a married couple.

Oliver was set to take over the joke shop, which had become incredibly successful in the years since it opened. Lawrence was a stay at home father, with the help of the Devoux inheritance he had received upon turning eighteen. They were comfortable, happy, and content to raise their son together.

Victoire and Clarissa were going strong. Victoire was a legal assistant at her mother's magical law firm, while Clarissa spent her time playing quidditch for Puddlemere United.

And then there was Teddy. Her Teddy. The love of her life, the man that turned her world on its axis. He and Oliver held equal shares in Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, and when her father and uncle decided to retire, the two of them would be the new owners and operators. She fell more in love with him every day that passed, and she realized how lucky she was to find someone so perfect for her at such a young age.

She was broken out of her thoughts when Isabel sat down next to her. "Here, give me Ezra. You've had him all day. Auntie Is deserves a turn."

Cordelia sat in an armchair by the Christmas tree, watching her girlfriend interact with the baby with a small, happy smile.

Teddy smirked from the doorway to the kitchen, excited that Isabel had gone along with his plan to get Avalon all to himself.

So he made his way towards the couch, ruffled his teal hair to calm his nerves, and sat on the coffee table in front of his girlfriend, giving her a charming smile that he hoped would pacify her for a long enough time that would allow him to speak without her interrupting like she so loved to do.

She just smiled back at him and kissed him quickly on the lips before starting to stand, muttering something about helping her mother cook in the kitchen.

Before she could get far, he grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her back down.

"What're you doing, weirdo?" She looked at him, speculating, with furrowed eyebrows.

He knew she'd have an attitude. "Listen, Ava. You know I love you, right?"

Her eyes widened. "Please don't break up with me. I promise I'll put the milk back in the fridge from now on." She said, panicked.

He laughed, cupping her cheeks with his hands. "Shut up. I love you. I've loved you for as long as I can remember, and you make me wake up every day, excited to be able to spend my life with you. But I really do want to spend my life with you. Like, officially. With you and me in a house with a bunch of cats and maybe a kid or two, eventually. Ava, I want to be your husband."

Teddy got down on one knee in front of her, fumbling to pull a little velvet box out of his pocket.

"Avalon Fleur Weasley, will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

Her heart was in her throat and, too choked up to form words, she nodded frantically, throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him fiercely.

this chapter might break the internet

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