lxx. AUGUST 3, 2017

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Avalon groaned as Teddy dragged her by the hand down the cobblestone street, protesting every step she was forced to walk.

"Come on, Teddy. I wanted to spend my birthday at home with my family. Can't you just take me home?" She begged, giving him her best puppy-dog eyes.

He hid the smile that was threatening to break onto his face. "No, love. We're celebrating your first day of being able to do magic outside of school. So you come on! Do some bloody magic!"

She gave him a glare and pulled out her wand. As she pointed it at him, she found herself grinning.

"Stupefy!" She said.

He went flying backwards, and she stooped over with laughter, nearly falling over because of how hard she was laughing. She caught herself on a nearby wall, and her face was beet red.

Teddy, once he had shaken off the effects of the stunning spell and was able to stand up again, grabbed her by the waist and lifted her; her feet dangled above the ground, and this just made her laugh harder.

"You think that's funny, Ava?" He said, trying to be menacing. His facade faltered, however, when she continued to laugh and, in between cackles, planted a kiss on his lips. "Alright, I guess it was funny."

She gave him a wink. "That was my revenge for making me think you hated me for a week." She said, still fighting the urge to laugh.

As he set her down so both her feet were planted steadily on the street, he replied, "I know. And I'm sorry about that. I've just been so stressed about finding a career..."

"You don't have to explain yourself to me." Avalon cut him off, grabbing his hand and lacing their fingers together. "Just promise you'll never shut me out like that again."

He thought back to what Beth had said, about how she loved him too much to tell him if he hurt her feelings. While Avalon had a severe way of feeling emotions, she was also incredibly skilled at building walls around herself when she was hurt, like when she had her first heartbreak at fifteen—when Teddy had started dating Victoire. She had thrown up the tallest, most fortified walls. No one other than Beth knew how much she was hurting.

So, coming from someone who was an expert at shutting people out, it made Teddy's heart hurt just a bit at the thought of her pleading with him not to do the same to her.

"Come on." He said, starting to pull her along once more. "Pick a shop, pick out whatever you want, and I'll get it for you for your birthday."

She shook her head profusely. "Nope. No. Not happening. You aren't allowed to get me anything for my birthday."

Teddy snuck a quick kiss onto her lips. "As your boyfriend, I think I'm entitled to get you something for your birthday. So either you pick, or I'll get you something ridiculously extravagant and expensive."

"You can't even afford anything expensive!" She retorted, hitting his broad chest gently with her fist.

He just grinned at her. "Actually, miss know-it-all, I've been picking up shifts at the shop, so I can afford to get you whatever your heart desires."

She stopped walking and stopped banging her fists on his chest, simply looking up at him with wide, curious eyes.

"Really?" She asked. "You got a job just so you can pay for my birthday gift?"

He shook his head at her ridiculousness and pulled her in by the waist. "Well, no. I did need a job, and your dad and uncle offered to hire me. Being able to get you whatever you want was just a bonus."

Avalon bit her bottom lip, shoving him. "Fine. Get me flowers, or something small. You pick—just nothing too pricey, alright?"

"Alright, love."

theyre so cute dhhrhwhdbabd

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