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 thequibblerofficial: Our head writer, Luna Lovegood-Scamander sat down with avalonweasley to discuss her upcoming season with holyheadharpiesquidditch, her success as a Hogwarts Seeker, all the juicy details of her love life, and what it's like t...

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thequibblerofficial: Our head writer, Luna Lovegood-Scamander sat down with avalonweasley to discuss her upcoming season with holyheadharpiesquidditch, her success as a Hogwarts Seeker, all the juicy details of her love life, and what it's like to have a famous mother. Check out our website or next week's issue for the full article!

avalonweasley: ugh i love you. thanks so much for the interview <3

teddylupin: my girlfriend's famous, no big deal

          ↳avalonweasley: you can admit that you're only with me for the fame, it's alright

fredweasley: famous MOTHER? what about her famous FATHER?

          ↳thequibbleroffical: When you've written four chart topping, best-selling books, we'll consider you famous.

             ↳fredweasley: luna i know you manage the quibbler's instagram

victoireweasley: SO PROUD OF MY GIRLY

         ↳avalonweasley: i love you

It's no secret that Avalon Weasley is the next rising star in the quidditch world. Hogwarts alum, fans of professional quidditch, and witches and wizards all around the world have heard about her seven-season winning streak while playing for Hogwarts' Gryffindor team, a nearly unheard-of feat. She's also best known for breaking the Hogwarts record for the fastest Snitch catch, twice!

But don't let me ramble on—let's ask the lady of the hour how she feels about her overwhelming successes in such a short amount of time.

"Honestly, I grew up on quidditch. When I was little, before I got to Hogwarts, my mum, dad, brothers, and sister and I would play in our backyard with our cousins. I fell in love with the game even before I played on a legitimate team. Yeah, I played to win—who doesn't?—but I played mostly because I absolutely adore the game." Weasley said. "I think the reason I've been so successful with quidditch, and the reason I got a spot on the Holyhead Harpies, is because my parents encouraged me to play because I wanted to, not because they wanted to make an athlete out of me. The only reason I've been able to come as far as I have is because I love it so much."

We talked for a while longer about the years she spent playing for Hogwarts before we moved onto her future with the Harpies, which begins in only a few weeks.

"I'm so nervous, oh my god. I mean, I'm only seventeen and I'm playing for one of the most successful teams in Europe. There's quite a lot of pressure on me to be great, since I'll be playing with and against the best of the best. But I'm so bloody excited, I can't even begin to explain it. The fact that I have the best support system in the entire world helps, too. Like, my mum and dad and siblings, my boyfriend, my aunt who actually got me the spot on the team."

When prompted to talk more about said boyfriend, Weasley's face went red.

"Uh, yeah. Teddy's amazing, really the most wonderful guy. I'm so incredibly lucky to be loved by him. Everyone always says that we balance each other out in just the right way—like, he calms me down, mellows me out. And I bring him out of his shell. That's a direct quote from by brother, by the way. Make sure you credit Oliver Weasley for that one, or he might hex me. But no, really, I had the biggest crush on Teddy since I was, what, six and a half? And now he's my boyfriend, and I'm just blown away that we're where we are now."

Avalon was also more than happy to talk about her mother, Amelia Weasley, who you might know as an esteemed veteran of the second wizarding war or, if you're on the younger side, the author of the Harry Potter series. These books are technically works of fiction to the muggle world, but to us in the wizarding world, they're a biography and historical retelling of the Chosen One himself and his adventures that led to the defeat of the Voldemort.

"Godric, hearing you talk about my mum like that is so funny to me. It always has been. People would come up to us on the street when I was little, people who she fought with during the final battle or people whose family she saved, thanking her and treating her like a hero. But I just look at her and see my mum, the lady that cooks us pancakes and has karaoke nights all the time and dances around the house in her sweatpants. It was quite strange, to see how she went from regular old Meely Weasley to a best-selling author in the span of literally a year.

"People still stop her on the street, or even stop me and my brothers and sister on the street to ask her to sign their copies of the books. This one woman asked her to sign her baby! She hasn't let the fame get to her, though. In fact, sometimes I think she hates it. She doesn't like a lot of attention when it comes to things like that. I think she sees herself more as a mother, wife, and sister than a famous author. She raised us to be humble and not let the fact that we suddenly got a decent amount of money go to our heads, y'know? I dunno, I could talk about my mum for ages. She's the biggest inspiration. Seeing how all the things she went through only made her stronger and kinder really just set an example for me and my siblings about how we should behave."

Be sure to catch Avalon Weasley during the upcoming Holyhead Harpies season! Stay tuned for the season's schedule, and don't forget to have a wonderful day.

go read darkest arts or i'll bite

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