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After Avalon's blood had been cleaned up, and Teddy had rummaged through her trunk to find a shirt of his that she'd stolen in order to change into something clean, they stood together, off to the side away from her extended family.

Avalon rested her head on her boyfriend's shoulder, watching as Victoire and Isabel talked together a little way's away.

"I kind of don't want to go." She mumbled, just loud enough that he could hear her.

He laughed, a sound that was echoed in her ear with her head so near his chest. "And why is that?"

She looked up at him and bit her lip. "This'll be the first year you're not at Hogwarts with me. Who am I gonna hang out with?" She said in a pouty voice.

Rolling his eyes, he replied, "You can't just not go because you'll miss me, Ava. Besides, hang out with your friends! I've been hogging you the entire summer—they deserve to have a school year with you, without me. Seventh year is the best, so enjoy it!"

She swatted him on the arm. "My friends love you! It's not my fault I'll miss you." She paused as an idea popped into her mind. "You could always visit!"

The Hogwarts Express whistled in the distance, and Teddy sighed.

"Alright, beautiful. Time for you to go."

She frowned before leaning up to kiss him. She was harsher and rougher than she normally was when she kissed him, especially when she was around her family, and he could feel her emotions through her lips.

"I love you." She whispered when she finally broke away from him.

He smiled sadly. "I love you more. Now go, I don't want you to miss the train."

sad tavalon :(

MISSED CALLS ➡︎ TEDDY LUPIN [2] ✓Where stories live. Discover now